Chapter 2

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/Jake's side/

Jake is walking towards his first class of the day, still disappointed that he isn't with
Alexander. The teacher is standing right in front of the class, she is counting the students to try to see if everyone was present. Jake found a seat in the back of the class where he know that he is going to be far from the loud people sitting in the front. The class is starting and it already feels draining. While the teacher is taking attendance his mind is completely at another place. He's thinking of what he's going to do after the days ends and starts to wonder if he have classes in common with Alexander. When he was with him at his old school, they would always be the one sitting in the front of the class and do they work together whenever they had the chance to. They would play truth or dare, and most of the time the dare was to pull a prank on the teacher. That was the good time. But since Alexander isn't in his class, he's sitting alone in the back. Suddenly a noise take him out of his memories.

It's the teacher, she's taking attendance and he was too busy thinking about other stuff that he didn't even realize she was calling his name.

-Yes, im here.
-Good, please next time try to be more focus.
He's not sure why, but he have been really distracted this morning. He always comes back to the same conclusion, he did not eat his breakfast so he is distracted in class. but, when he is distracted, he thinks of Alexander. Just because he hasn't seen him for a long time is a good reason to think about him, right? Do friends think of each other this way? It must be normal. after all they have known each other for a long time, it is quite normal to be distracted, to think about him almost all the time and to feel nervous before seeing him.. Or not.

For the second class of the day, Jake is finally with Alexander. They have a class in common. They're sitting at the usual spot they used to sit when they were at their old school. In the front, right next to each other. It was comforting for Jake to know that his friend is right next to him, like they used to. It brings up such good memories. When they played games and pulled pranks on the teachers. He remembers Alexander's features, that changed much more now. Even during two months he had the time to change more. Looks like he is taller, his hair have grown more, his eyes are.. very, no. It's wrong to think this way. Even if Jake have been thinking this way since this summer, it's starting to get suspicious. 'Alexander changed, that's all. Nothing more.' But, not only Alexander changed, Jake's feelings have too.

When the class starts, Jake isn't paying attention. He's subconsciously looking at Alexander. He can't always blame it on his breakfast or anything like that. He then takes the time to analyze his feelings again. Do people even do that in friendships? I mean it's pretty normal to think about your feelings for someone, but not when you're only friends with them. He just get that out of his head and try to not think about it agin. The teacher is giving small exercises to do in class so they can review what they did last year. Only a few seconds after Jake receives his exercises, still not too focus, he can hear the teacher say;

-You can do it in pairs if you would like too, but try to be quiet.

Jake's eyes go directly in Alexander's direction as soon as he hear that. Alexander have his back towards him but he turns around to face Jake slowly, really slowly actually. The same thing that happened this morning was recurring. Why was he in slow motion? It seems like it happens every time something intense is happening. Alexander's look turn into a radiant smile, Jake feel the nervousness built up when Alexander puts his arm on his shoulder.

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