Chapter 17

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/Alexander's side/

It's officially the last day of the trip today. It's late in the afternoon and him and Jake are stretched out on the sofa. They had a big day today. They had the opportunity to practice to the maximum. The instructor allowed them to improve and adjust their techniques. They had a lot of fun during these three days. The only thing that slightly disturbed Alexander is when Jake told him last night that he should sleep on the couch from now on. Yet the last time he slept well. He couldn't see where the problem was. But he obeyed anyway and went to lie down on the sofa. At the same time it allowed him to think again about how and when he was going to announce his feelings to Jake. He decided that he was going to announce it to him anyway. Even if he knows that his parents, well his father especially, will not really appreciate seeing him go out with Jake. So they're going to have to keep their relationship a secret. But he doesn't want to think about his parents' reaction right away, anyway at the moment they're at the hotel getting spoiled with messages and all-you-can-eat buffets. He turns his head to Jake, who was scribbling something in his notebook. He noticed that he was dragging his notebook almost everywhere. This is new too, he has never seen him passionate about writing. It's good, it looks like they both discovered their new passions, Jake writing and him skiing. Alexander tries to get closer to Jake but the two guys upstairs are coming down. We never really see them usually so if they come downstairs it's probably because there is something important. Looks like they brought all their stuff with them. Alexander just look at them with a confused face. One of them then says;
-Our bus has arrived, we need to go now. The instructor said that you guys's bus is probably gonna be there in five minutes.
Alexander nod.
They close the door and leave Jake and Alexander alone. 'We have 5 minutes alone together.. You can do it now Alex. Okay get a bit closer and just tell him.' Jake suddenly close his notebook and yells;
-Oh I better get my stuff ready, only three minutes left now!
Alexander lay back in the couch and let out a sigh. It's like he's gonna have to wait a bit more to tell him.

/Jake's side/
This time in the bus, Jake decides to join Alexander, so they could talk more. Yes, he said that he wanted to avoid him again, but who cares at this point. He loves him so he wants to spend more time with him. Before the bus even started they were already laughing together and more at ease. Looks like they were friends again. At least during the cold times that brings a lot of warmth. They continue to talk for a few minutes and Alexander explains to him how is father got sober and that his parents are now at a hotel to celebrate it. At one point, Alexander is almost falling asleep on Jake's shoulder. But that doesn't bother him. He knows that he spent a lot of energy today. Besides, he has improved in skiing. Alexander even confessed to him that he would like to do more and that he is passionate about it. Jake likes to see him happy because he knows how difficult the situation in his family can be sometimes.

It's been several minutes since the bus started. The sky is dark. We can hardly see anything outside. Luckily there is streetlights and the moonlight to lightly illuminate around. Alexander is still asleep on him. It is true that with such a temperature and with the dark sky, it can make you sleepy. But he's not going to wake him up. If he needs to rest, it's better for him to rest on his shoulder than on any other. At least he shouldn't have any fear. Jake won't budge at all.

/Alexander's side/
After being asleep for a while, a small tap on his shoulder wake him up. It was Jake, they had arrived at the last bus stop near their houses. Alexander straightens up;
-How much time did I slept?
-Oh, well maybe for half of the ride haha.
He looks around and sees that there is no one on the bus. Jake then reassure him that it's because most of the people were leaving at the first bus stop. That's why they're the only one there. The driver, who starts to get impatient, tell the two teenagers that they should walk out of the bus. They both apologize and quickly get out of the bus and they watch it drive away.
They start to walk towards their house but not talking this time, they are silent. Alexander still ponders how he should announce his feelings to him. He wanted to do it when they were both in the cottage, but he couldn't. After a moment of being distracted in his thoughts, he hadn't noticed that they had almost arrived in front of Jake's place. Which is good, because their houses are nearby. Jake arrives in front of the door followed by Alexander. Jake seems to want to open his mouth to say goodbye to Alexander but at the same time, Alexander decides to make his decision. Before he can say anything he says;
-Hum, Jake I have something to tell you. Something that I should have told you for maybe a while now but didn't.
Jake turns to him with a curious look, he looks worried. So Alexander quickly says;
-Hum listen, I don't really know how to tell you this but.. Suddenly, fear invaded him. He doesn't know what to say anymore. Jake looks him straight in the eye with an impatient gaze. He doesn't know what to do, or what to say. He take his stuff and decide to leave at the last moment, too embarrassed. But Jake take his hand at the last minute to stop him.
-Just tell me, I'm here to listen.
He then take a deep breathe and finally..
-I love you.
Jake looks at him with a surprised but tender gaze at the same time. Before he has the time to say anything, Alexander bring his face close to Jake's. So close that their noses are almost touching and without any hesitation their lips touch. For only a few seconds they exchange a kiss. it was the first time he had kissed someone. He wanted to wait for the right time, and also the right person. And that was the right time, with the person he loves. When they pull away, he notices that Jake's cheeks are red. He takes his hand for second and rub it gently with his thumb. Jake looks up at him and mumble;
-Of course. I can't even believe we had three days together and i couldn't tell you. I wanted to wait a bit to tell you.
-That means that you're my boyfriend now? Jake asks with a smile.
-I am. Alexander says as he's replacing Jake's hair behind his ear.
Jake smiles at him before saying;
- I wish we could talk for hours here but im starting to get cold and hum I have to go home now, or my parents will get worried. I'll text you later!
He gently smiles at him.
-Yeah of course, no problem. See you on Monday!
He waves goodbye to Jake and goes to his house. When he opens the door he sees that his parents haven't arrived yet. He drop his bags to the floor and let out a soft laugh of relief. He finally confessed his feelings. That means that both of them are now a couple. He smiles just at the thought of it. He's been smiling for several minutes now, sitting with his back against his front door. His reveries are cut off when he hears voices upstairs. His sister is there, but there seems to be someone else with her. However, the parents never allowed them to invite people during their absence. They will come back at any minute. He must warn his sister before the parents return. So he goes upstairs. His sister's door is just opened enough to see that she is with someone, he can also hear the sound of the TV. He decides to open the door. What he sees in front of him, he never thought he would ever saw this, but it is happening in front of his eyes. His sister is intertwined with his friend Miley. She was holding her by her hips and is so close to her, this can't be only friendly. They both turn around when Alexander appears in the door frame.

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