Chapter 5

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/Alexander's side/

When Alexander enters Jake's house, both of his parents welcome him in.
-Hey Alex! It's been a while since we didn't see you, come in!
His mother what's always so heartwarming and kind towards him. He got his jacket off and sees Jake from the corner of his eye. When Jake realized he was looking at him he got up to welcome him.
-Hey, how are you? Must be hard at home.
-Yeah it is, my dad is fighting with my sister again and I can't stand them yelling around the house.
-I understand, it's not easy.
He gives him a small tap on the shoulder to comfort him.
-I made pastas for everyone, do you guys want some?
Jake's father points out the dishes on the dinner table.
-Yes, of course.
They both sits down at the dinner table with Jake's parents to eat their dinner.
-So how is it going at school? Any new friends? Asks his mother.
-It's going on well, I have some friends that I knew from last year and I have some classes in common with Jake.
- That's great, how's your family?
He backs up in his chair and take a deep breath;
-Well my father is still struggling a lot with his addiction and my sister and him are fighting over the fact that she's sneaking out to see her boyfriend. It's really loud there, so I came here to be more at peace.
-Oh of course, you're always welcome here.
Alexander smiles at Jake's parents and at Jake sitting besides him. He really is grateful for them. It's like his safe place here. Almost like his second family. His mother always have been nice with him and thoughtful. His father cooks amazing meals and they both make him feel appreciated. As well as Jake who listen to him whenever he needs to talk about something. This place was like an escape from his house. Now that he think of it, that's probably why his sister is always sneaking out to go to her boyfriends house and that we never see him. She probably prefer to hang out with him while not being surrounded by all this chaos.

At the end of dinner, Alexander helps Jake's dad to do the dishes.
-I appreciate it, but you don't need to. You can go with Jake, it's really not that big of a deal.
-I really want to help you.
He gently pushes him out of the kitchen.
-There's no need to, go have fun now.
Jake's dad doesn't really like people helping him, he's already happy by serving his meal to his family.

When Alexander join Jake in his room, he was at his computer playing video games. Recognizing the sound of it, he immediately think of the game they use to play younger.
-Hey, are you playing without me?
Jake laughed and invites him to sit besides him to play together. Video games is one of the biggest passion they share together. They played a lot when they were younger. And they just started playing more again when Jake was at his old school. Since they couldn't see each other, they would often play together. Alexander was almost winning the game, while Jake was about to lose.
-I'm not finished yet! Jake says
-Oh yeah?
When Jake actually wins the game, Alexander cannot believe it and they starts to play fight. Alexander playfully pushes him as well as Jake. When Alexander understood that he had win over their little fight, he helps Jake getting up and he looks up to the window behind him. The moon was beautiful tonight and the stars were shining in the sky.
-Hey let's go outside!
He grabs Jake by the arm and lead him outside so they could admire the sky.
-Look the stars are shining.
-Yeah, it's impressive.
They both decided to lay down in the backyard to see them better.
-Hey look! This starts is the one that shine the most! Alexander points out a start to Jake.
-Yeah, it's so cool!

/Jake's side/
He wasn't even listening much to what's Alexander was saying. While he was looking at sky, Jake was looking at him. Again, why does everything seems so different than it was. 'Why do I prefer to look at my best friend than the stars?' Everything was confusing, until Alexander slides his finger on Jake's arm to get his attention and show him the different stars he was seeing. That nervousness, those confusing thoughts about his feelings, everything slowing down when Alexander is close to him. The stars aren't the only beautiful thing for Jake's eyes. Jake never thought he would feel that in his entire life, but. 'I think I'm in love with Alexander.'

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