But unlike her teachers, Rachel was lost once she'd entered the building. She didn't have the first clue of where to start searching. What was she supposed to look for? Blood splatters across the walls? He was being beaten, not slaughtered. This was a terrible idea, and the reality was really starting to set in. It'd be pointless to leave now, thought; she was already inside the house (and she sincerely hoped nobody would notice the doorknob missing from the backdoor.)

She wouldn't be doing anything wrong if she just walked around a little. It was just a house; it's not like she was reading his diary. After all, it was her or the police; and unless she found (and destroyed) the alleged evidence before they did, Isaac was as good as gone. And for the sake of her family's supernatural secret, she couldn't let that happen. The brunette exhaled loudly, taking a step forward cautiously. She hadn't brought a flashlight with her, and the last thing she wanted to do was knock something over & create noise. The entire purpose of sneaking in through the backdoor was to remain incognito.

The aged wooden floorboards creaked softly beneath her feet, reminding her almost of the noise that would sound each time she entered the charred frame of her old home. Her eyes (which were currently a pale green) scanned over the room, taking in the scenery of an average home. Nothing looked out of the ordinary. A table littered in framed pictures sat along one wall, triggering a faint ache in her heart. Though the memories were vague, she could remember a point in time that the walls & tables of her home were scattered in family photos, all of had been lost to a fiery abyss.

From her place near the door, through narrowed eyes Rachel could distinguish the imagine of an older man alongside two young boys; one of whom looked eerily familiar. It was evident by the mop of blonde curls that it was Isaac, but she couldn't help the strange feeling creeping up in the back of her mind. Whilst the older, teenaged version of Isaac she'd seen during their supposed first-time meeting at the abandoned train warehouse appeared to be a stranger, she couldn't help but feel as though she'd seen the young boy before, somewhere.

Nonetheless, the thought was pushed away as she noticed the second boy; an unfamiliar face, yet still of resemblance to Isaac. He had a brother? He never mentioned anything to Derek about a sibling, though due to the age gap he could've moved away. Other possibilities raced through her mind, but Rachel forced herself to remain with her first thought.

He moved away.

Rachel let out another sigh, taking a few more steps forward into the living room. The fading daylight was becoming more & more prominent, and with that, came the reminder that her time was slowly ticking away. The full moon would be at it's peak in approximately five hours, and then, it was game over for everyone. She came here to find the evidence before the police could, and that was what she was going to do.

Think, Rachel, think. If you had a dirty little secret, where would you keep it? She thought to herself for a moment, before slapping a hand over her face. Of course; nearly every house in Beacon Hills had one; even if it was sealed off. How could she have overlooked it? The old wooden door with a loose knob, the seemingly innocent room in every household; one of which held a deep, dark secret in her own home.

The basement.

The Hale house cellar was complete with it's own dungeon, one of which was once used to safely hold betas through full moons in order to help train them to resist. She'd spent her fair share of full moons in there; chained up & out of her mind. As much as the thought sickened her, who's to say the same wasn't happening elsewhere? The truth hurt, but it was a well known fact by many, that when you're far enough underground; nobody can hear you screaming. Especially when the walls are made of stone, with little to no windows; the classic build of a basement.

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