Chapter 41

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"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow."

- Aeschylus

Candice POV

"Move your asses, initiatives! Five more laps." Lauren yelled as she and the Dauntless born initiatives passed me once again. I was taking a little break from prepping the training room. The next on the schedule was knife throwing and since neither me nor Lauren had any idea on how well the Dauntless born were at it, we had decided to start of easy with still targets.

Once they were finished with their warm-up, they all gathered up on a line, awaiting my instructions.

"Listen up, initiatives! You all have an advantage in this stage. You've prepared all your life for this, you've trained for this. Do not disappoint us. With that said, it is time for you to show us how well you are in knife throwing. So, all of you grab some knives and stand on that line in front of the targets." I said and pointed at a white line drawn on the floor. They all moved fast and as soon as they had grabbed their knives and were ready, I commanded them to begin. Lauren and I were observing in the back, watching their stans and throwing techniques.

"You know, I've been wanting to ask you something since initiation started." I whispered, not wanting the initiatives to overhear.

"And what is that?"

"Are you sleeping with Theresa?" Lauren just looked startled but didn't say a word. The only sound that was heard was the sound of knives launching into the wooden target or falling to the floor.

"I knew it. You better tell me everything."

"I prefer to keep my private business to myself. So, keep your mouth shut about this, especially to Aaron. I don't want him getting all nosy and pestering me about it. He would probably suggest we'd have a threesome."

"He probably would. But you will tell me right?" Lauren just shook her head, trying her hardest to focus on the initiatives.

"Come on! I'm not allowed any action anymore, I need this."

"Fine, but not right now. Let's focus on the task at hand. We have a job to do, remember?" I just smiled and went back to observing the group.

They were doing a pretty good job with the knives. Most of them never missed their targets, but some of them needed some more practice. I walked back and forth, watching their every move and gave them pointers on how to improve themselves. When I reached Lynn, Shauna's younger sister, I stopped. I looked closely at how she was throwing her knives, aiming for the chest area only to end up getting stuck in the lower part of the abdomen.

"You need to focus more, Lynn. And your stance is completely off."

"I'm already a Dauntless member, born and raised. I don't need to prove it to anyone." Lynn said cockily.

"Listen, Lynn. I may be friends with your sister, but I made no promise to her regarding your stay here. You need to earn your spot just as the next person does. I give no favors to anyone. Born here or not, you are in the same run as all initiatives, including the transfers."

"Then maybe I should just sleep with a leader. That might guarantee me a spot."

"It's so sweet of you to think that I slept my way to the top. When reality is, I fought hard and honest."

"Doubtful. Everyone knows you and Eric had a thing long before you even finished initiation. He certainly gave you favors."


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