twenty three: friends

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one month later
| sam's pov |

"Sam show me!"

"No Mikey! I didn't even look yet!"

"Show me your goddamn grades Samantha Johnson!"


I log into my grade thing, and I look at my grades, my jaw drops.

"Holy shit." I mumbled

"Sam!! I'm so proud of you baby! Look you have all A's besides P.E. you dork." He starts laughing, I laugh too

"Everything's finally in place again." I mumble more to myself than Mike.

"Except Jess baby, you gotta apologize and talk to her, and Sara."

I looked down at my hands. He grabs my chin, to make me look at him.

"C'mon on baby. Your grades are good, your drugs, and drinking is done, your close with your mom again, me and you are good, you need Sara. She's your best friend baby."

I groan.

"I said some pretty fucked up shit Mikey, I dunno if she'll ever forgive me."

"You have to try..she'll come around if she knows you've changed. Besides I've been talking to Calum and he says Sara misses you."

I look at my hands again, and walk over to my phone. I get dressed and put my shoes on.

"Where are you going?"

"To apologize."

"I'm coming."

We walk out of my room and towards Sara's house.

"She's at Calum's tonight. She has been, most nights."


"I'll drive Sam." We go to his car and he drives to Calum's. My heart is pounding, thumping outside of my chest by time we park. Mikey grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze.

I walk to the door and knock. Sara opens, wide grin, eyes bright. I've never seen her so happy, never seen her like this, and I'm so glad for her. Her smile drops when she sees me.

"Who is it Sar?" Cal asks from the living room, I assume.

"What do you want Sam?" She seems stern

"We..need to talk. I-I'm sorry for what I said Sara. I didn't mean any of it, I was honestly just pissed off because I didn't want Michael to know the truth and I went off on you because I knew it would destroy you so I had to say it. And God, Sara I regret it. I fucked up bad, and I know it. And I can't keep telling you how sorry I am. Your honestly my best friend and I didn't mean anything to hurt you and I won't ever do it again, I promise. I've changed Sar, for the better. I'm kind of okay, and I can tell that you are too. Calum saved you and Mikey saved me. I just need you in my life now, I love you and I miss you so much Sara. Please forgive me and be my friend."
I was crying just coming out, she was crying too.

"Of course I forgive you Sam. I forgave you from the moment after you said that because I know you were pissed and at that moment it wasn't my business to tell Michael anything I just wanted to help you, I'm sorry Sam."
She hugged me

"No no, I'm sorry."

"Are we friends Sam?"

"Your my best friend Sar."

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

Then I felt two other hands around us, and Michael was hugging me and Calum hugging Sara, a four-group hug. Nice, I'm glad I got my friends back though.

YAY :-) everything is setting place in sams life that's so good❤️❤️

idk bout the pic sorry

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