three: broken

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| michael's pov |

When I first saw her, I didn't actually believe it was her. She didn't look the same, her hair was a dark purple, her skin was paler, she was skinny, her eyes had makeup on them and she looked like she couldn't give a damn about me.

Well I don't blame her. I left her, I shouldn't have, not like that. I left her with so many questions and I didn't have answers to any of them. I fell for her, hard. I was afraid of rejection, I was afraid that if I did tell her what I felt she would laugh at me. I don't know how I could've handled that. I liked her a lot, that's why I kissed her.

I left for Australia, where I visited the rest of my family. It was nice, I needed to get away, but I should've told her what happened. I should've told her why I was leaving, I should have at least left a note. Dammit, I was an idiot. I found someone in Australia though, I wasn't going to tell Sam. At least not right away, I could already see how broken she was.

Broken. That's the definition of Samantha Johnson. I couldn't believe how much she changed. When I first saw her, she acted the complete opposite of the way I thought she'd act. I thought she'd run up to me hugging me, man was I wrong. She ignored me the whole day, and here I was driving to her house like an idiot. I knew one thing she was different but I wanted to know why, I wanted to talk to her. I needed to.

I parked my car and inhaled a breath before I stepped outside. I walked to her doorstep and knocked on the door. Her mother opened the door, and when she saw me, she hugged me the tightest she could.

"Oh Micheal! How was your trip? You hair! It's green now? Wow. You look so good, so old. How are you darling? I've missed you."

"I'm good, I've missed you to. The trip was amazing, I have a question?"

"Let me guess, 'what happened to Sam?'"


"Michael to be honest with you, I don't know. Ever since you left she's turned to crap. But I don't even know anymore. We don't talk. She comes home goes straight to her room and doesn't come down until supper then she'll go back to her room, come back out only to take a shower or go out with friends. Her grades our horrible, I know she drinks, my alcohol is always missing, and she smokes cigarettes and God knows what else. She reaks like it every time she comes home. I tried helping her but it's no use."

"That's why I'm here." I smiled and hugged her one last time before I went upstairs to Sam's room. I knocked on the door, I heard her pause her music and come to open it. Once she saw it was me she slammed the door in my face. Great.

"Sam open the door please we need to talk."

"Leave me alone."

"Please just hear me out."

She opened the door, and dragged me inside. The first thing she did to me was slap me across the face, hard. I saw tears begin to come in her eyes as she looked at me.

"I hate you Michael Clifford. I don't want anything to do with you, now please get the hell out of my room." She said sternly.

"I'm not leaving here without an explanation."

"Please Michael, don't make this harder than it already is." She sighed

"Let me explain, please."

She nodded.

Here I go.

i'll try to fix you | m.c.Where stories live. Discover now