six: party

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| sam's pov |

I was already drunk by time Michael came. I've been clinging onto Justin's arm the whole time. Michael saw me sitting on Justin and immediately frowned. Frowned? Why was he frowning? I looked at Justin who just lit up a joint. I grabbed it from his hand and inhaled it once, closing my eyes. It soothed me more than alcohol.

I inhaled one more time before I gave it back to Justin. He smirked and kissed me, hard but passionate. He stopped after about two minutes and smiled at me.

"I missed this baby." He whispered, inhaling a joint.

"Shotgun?" I pleaded

He inhaled and put his mouth close to mine and exhaled. It was an amazing sensation, I was happy right now. Or my pain was just fading.

"I'll be right back..I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette."

"Alright baby. Come back soon." He winked and kissed me.

I walked outside and lit my cigarette inhaling and closing my eyes. Not many people came outside only people who were smoking, making out or throwing up. I heard footsteps approaching me, and I opened my eyes and saw Michael approaching me. He stuck out his hand, I looked at him questionably. He pointed to my pack of cigarettes. I gave him a cigarette and lit it for him.

"So you dating that Justin kid?" Michael asked hurt

"We like each other..why?"

"I dunno you guys were making out a lot."

"Why do you care now Michael?"


"Why now Michael? I've liked you since we started being friends your being unfair right now."

"I liked you too Sam. I could make you feel better than him. I could make you happier. Smoking kills you."

"That's why I do it."

"Please Sam let me fix you."

"I don't need fixing Michael. I needed you, I need to be okay."

"Let me be here for you baby."

I looked at him. He leaned into me, close enough to kiss me. I looked up, because man did I want to kiss him back. I wanted to just grab his face and kiss him. But I didn't because he left me. All of the memories came back to me, the crying all night, drinking til I passed out, smoking til I don't remember anything. And many more horrible nights.

I pulled back.

"What the fuck? Who is this douche bag."

I looked up to see Justin furious walking towards me and Michael. He pushed Michael against the fence, getting in his face. I was to drunk and shocked to even stop this.

"Who do you think you are buddy? She's my girlfriend."

"Really cause she told me she doesn't know what you guys are!" Michael shouted pushing Justin back

"I didn't ask her yet, but I guarantee she'd say yes so back the fuck off!" Justin yelled at Mike

"Stop guys please." I whispered

"Look I don't know who you think you are getting in my face and shit but you need to back off buddy. Your an asshole okay? She's my best friend and I'm going to protect her with all my strength. So shut the fuck up."

"What are you gonna do emo?" Justin smirked, Michael hit Justin right in the nose. They began to fight like wildfire.

"Stop!" I shouted but they were both going at each other, Michael obviously winning.

All of a sudden out of nowhere someone came running outside.

"Yo the cops are coming!!"

I gasped. I tried pulling apart those two. Instead Justin hit me. I pushed them apart, so I could at least say something.

"The cops are coming."

I said to them before I blacked out.

i'll try to fix you | m.c.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon