seventeen: gig

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| sam's pov |

Mikey invited me to one of the boy's gigs tonight, and I must admit I'm nervous. Nervous for them, I mean they're good, they're really good. But I didn't know how many people would show up.

That's why when I saw the place was packed, I almost shit myself. They were gonna get big, I knew it. I kissed Michael before he went backstage with the rest of the guys. Sara and I sat front row waiting for them.

"I'm nervous." I mumbled

"Don't be they do good every time."

And they did, they did better than I've heard them before. They sang this other song, called "Lost Boy." I must admit I loved the song, a lot. As they finished up the song, I was in need of a cigarette.

"Um Sar I'm gonna go for a cigarette. I'll be back in a few."

"Okay." She smiled as I walked out of the little cafe. I walked to the back alley, and lit up a cigarette. I was inhaling in and out, when saw came up to me. That someone was no other that Jason Kavenaugh.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I mumbled to myself

"Well well well if it isn't my favorite little depressed girl. How are you Sam? I miss you." He smirked and winked at me

"I'm actually better thanks ever since I got off those, it's been a big relief." I snapped

"Really? Cause you don't seem good. You've gotten paler since I last saw you. What was that four months ago?"

"Fuck off. I'm not interested anymore.." I got quite, "I've changed."

"Sure you have Sam. I don't know if you trying to convince me or yourself."

"Kinda both." I blurted out loud, he smirked at me.

"One more time, for old times sake." He shook his pocket. I knew what was in there, and damn I craved it. I missed the sensation I got when I took it. I was about to agree when I heard my name being called, probably Michael or Sara.

"Call me tomorrow around 2, one last time." I whispered before he walked away from where he came. Sara come from the door and saw Jason.


"Sam." She said sternly, warningly


"What the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing, we were just talking." I walked past her to try and go inside, but she stopped me.

""Just talking" my ass. You never "just talk" with fricking Jason. Sam you can't do this shit anymore, you promised at the end when you were stuck. Sam you can't fucking do this."

"I won't okay.."

I lied. I was going to but it was none of her business or anyone else's for that matter.

"Your lying."

"Ugh Sara just mind your fucking own business okay? I'm fine! Geez are you fucking annoying. Your not my damn mother okay? Stop treating me like a child!"

"Your fucking acting like one!"

"You don't know shit okay?"

"Do take note that I was doing this before you okay?"

"Fuck off."

"Dammit Sam why do you push away everyone that cares about you!?"

"It's easier." I shrugged

"Sam if you don't stop this I'm going to tell Michael."

I turned around.

"No you won't."

"Try me."

"You know what Sara? Fuck you! Go suck Calum's tiny dick and tell Michael cause I don't give a shit anymore, your a bitch. And you were 10x worse than I've ever been!!" I yelled, she looked at me hurt. I shouldn't have stooped that low, but I did.

I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have.

I keep repeating in my mind. Dammit.

"Tell me what?"

I turned around to see Michael, Luke, Calum and Ashton all standing there with there mouths wide open. I looked back and forth at Sara and Michael. I glared at Sara and walked away.

"Don't ever fucking talk to me again." I yelled to her, I turned around one more time to see she busted out crying, and Calum was comforting her. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Sam wait up!" I heard Mike yell

I walked faster so he wouldn't catch up to me but he did.

"Sam stop walking dammit!"

"What?" I snapped

He looked taken back.

"Um..what was that?"

"Don't worry about it." I turned around and kept walking

"Sam please, just talk to me." He grabbed my hand, and turned me around. My eyes were beginning to water.

"I-I can't." I said


"Because just pleaseee leave me alone."


I shook my hand from his grip and started walking away.

"Sam you can't shut up me out." He shouted

"Watch me."

im sowwy :-(

i'll try to fix you | m.c.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora