XXIV: Finale

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Ryujin's POV

I'm currently packing my things because me and Jisu is going on a trip. She'll take me to Canada for this year's Christmas Eve. She told me her mom misses me so i should come with her. I am also trying to find my film camera for hours now. I went again to my closet to search.

"Ouch!" i said when my hand bumped into something inside my drawer. I picked it up. It was a small box with its key in it. How come i haven't seen this?

I opened it using the key and frowned when I saw what's inside. They're polaroids of mine, some with Jisu and lots of blank ones already used. My chest started to ache again as i touched them.

I think hard as i could to try to visualize something I'm not even sure of from the polaroids. I almost jumped when i heard the door opened.

"Hey, are you ready?" it was Jisu. She saw what i was holding so she went closer. She also frowned and asked why are they blank.

"When did you take these? Why am i on the side?" her pictures are her on the side like she's with someone.

"Jisu-ya, don't you feel something missing?" i wanted to her that for months and now i found my courage to.

"What do you mean?"

"Like you're feeling something, you're attached and longing for it--but you don't seem to know why."

"Ya! Did you sleep well? Do you have fever Shin Ryujin?" she said while chuckling.

"Jisu!" she sighed.

"I don't know if this is the same with you but, lately I've been looking to places in my house like there's a presence i knew in there..."

"It's weird. It's super weird!", i exclaimed.

She cupped my face. "Look at me, Ryujin-ah," she's making me blush. "Calm down okay? Let's go or else we'd be late for our flight."

She's right. I should relax to enjoy my first out of the country trip with her. After my birthday, we became closer but haven't really talked about dating or something. She kissed me once or twice but aside from that, nothing.

I left the box on the drawer before i got up to follow Lia. See you soon, Canada.


Yeji's POV

I looked down on humans being punished differently. All kinds of sinners come here everyday. I'll spend eternity ruling this painful place.



"Baby, don't me mad..."

"Let me kiss youuuuu~"

She's pouting like a kid. I'm ignoring her for minutes because i lost at her game. Ugh, why am i bad at this fighting people on the screen? I rolled my eyes on her and she let out a sarcastic chuckle. I miss when she's still afraid of me.

"Hey you, my wife. Please forgive me because I'm so good at playing games."

She sighed. "I swear if you ignore me for the last time I will cry." i glared at her.

She laid down the sofa and pulled me close to her. She played with my hair and kissed my forehead. I love her smell. I love how she takes care of me.

She really hides this side of her when we're with her friends and i think that's cute. "Are we good now?"

"No." i answered. "Sing for me, Ryuddaeng."

"I wanna make you smile, whenever you're sad..."

She leaned down to look at my face as she gently caressed my cheek. "Carry around when your arthritis is bad~"

"All i wanna do, is grow old with you..."

"Kiss me, Yeddeong-ah~"

I leaned closer to her. I traced her eyes, nose and lips, "I love you Ryujin." My lips met hers once again.

We were so happy.

I'm sorry Shin Ryujin. I'm sorry i left you but i know you'd be happier without me. I'll just be here waiting for that time. But i also told him to not take you so soon. And i know you'll probably not end up here because you're a very good person. When that time comes, i want you to hug your Chaeryeongie.

I looked at my hand, my ring finger wearing the ring she gave me that night. It's the only thing i managed to bring down here along with our picture where i kissed her cheek.

Till we meet again, Shin Ryujin, my Ryuddaeng~

--(hi, there's a sequel 😈)--

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