XV: Rainstorm

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Ryujin's POV

I grinned while remembering what we did last night after we went home from the amusement park. I've been smiling a lot these days, all because of my Yeddeong.

"Woi," it was Jisu.


"You weren't listening..." she sighed before repeating everything she said the difference is just i listened now. I agreed to her idea for our next project and she expressed her joy by hugging me. I hugged her back.

The office decided to close earlier than usual since the weather was so bad and we didn't have much work to do. There was a storm coming according to the news. It's very unusual during summer.

"Our Ryujin's birthday is just weeks away,"

"Yeah let's throw her a party!" Felix exclaimed.

"Dude, you always ruin surprises."

"Omy, are we supposed to give her a surprise party????" we all looked at him in disappoinment. How did this guy found a gf?


Jisu offered me a ride. The weather is getting worse and i also wanted to bond with her even just for a little time. We were casually talking like the old times. I missed this.

I waved Jisu goodbye and ran fast to my house's door. I need to shower fast because my head got wet from the rain outside. I heard Yeji calling me so i told her to wait for me. She didn't respond after so i guess she obeyed me.

I finished after 5 minutes and went straight to our bedroom. I found Yeji arranging all the polaroids we have on the bed. I laid down beside her to also see our pictures. We look so happy together.

"You look so cute in here," she said while pointing at the one where a tangerine was on my head. She kept showing me the polaroids of mine she really like.

She's like a kid who found a cute toy and wants her mom to buy it for her.

"Why are you so pretty my Yeddeong-ah?" i playfully asked her while pinching her left cheek. I know she's gonna be mad but won't stop me from doing so.

She took the polaroids and put them back to the small box i gave to her last time. She's keeping them all in her drawer including the hair tie i used as a ring to propose.

I just watched as she slowly walked back to the bed. She pushed me to lay down and then she sat on top of me. I caressed both her thighs then I moved my hands to her waist.

"I want to taste you." she checked me out before locking her eyes on my lips. Before i could say anything else she leaned down claiming my lips. I immediately kissed her back, intensely as i felt my body getting hotter.

She went right up to my neck and started sucking on it for a hickey.

"They'd see that tomorrow, Yeddeong-ah," i said to her.

As expected she's insanely good at it. She's the devil yet she brought me to heaven? It was my turn to return the favor.


Our knees are both weak we ended up losing balance, sitting down our bed. I'm back hugging her while we both catch our breaths. I leaned forward to ask for a kiss and she gave me one.

I felt so sleepy all of a sudden that i tried to fight my eyes from closing. I'm losing my strength to hold on to Yeji and i can hear her constantly calling my name.

I was already lying down when i heard a faint voice. "Yeji..." I felt her hand touched my face and a tear fell onto my cheek before darkness consumed me.

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