XXII: Downfall

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(A/n: I'll try my best to do the fighting scenes--)

Ryujin's POV

The sun is almost up but then it started drizzling. We walked down the hill to get shelter as the rain becomes stronger. The lightning and thunder came next.

I am just holding Yeji who seemed to be alert all of a sudden. Even Yuna and Chaeryeong is scanning the place.

"Hello, my twin sister."

a deep voice come from above. He has a blond long hair, fierce eyes and black wings similar to Yeji's. He's smirking down on us while other people arrived behind him. Yeji glared at him but i can feel her shaking.

"I got bored of waiting so i just came to find you..."

"I was worried you already died!" he said and laughed manically.

Yeji pulled away from me and lunged at her brother in split seconds. She's grabbing his collar but the smirk on his face remained. "Who are these? Your toys?" he said while pointing at us.

"Take them away from here!" Yeji said full of authority in her voice.

Yuna said she'll stay with Yeji and told Chaeryeong to carry us two. I saw Yuna created a huge barrier to protect everyone from the two as we fly out of there.

I glanced at Yeji who's clashing with her brother on air. She's a totally different person with her eyes turned red.

Chaeryeong put us down in a safer place. "Yuna..." Lia mumbled. We're all worried about them but it's their fight. And i trust Yeji. We all kept quiet, waiting.

Let's go home together Yeddeong-ah...


Yuna's POV

I am on my knees catching my breath after I've used a lot of my power. I need to protect all the living beings here because we couldn't interfere and just take all their lives. Yeji is matching her brother's speed while fighting on air.

I saw his signal to his servants to attack Yeji so immediately flew towards them. I won't let them near Yeji or she'll lose. It's not possible to take them all by herself.

"Your servant is here i see."

I was shocked how Yeji unnie responded. "Don't you dare call my sister like that." I almost teared up but i couldn't let my guard down. I always felt i wasn't enough and isn't worthy to be beside her.

His laugh then was heard all over the place. If only i could kill him i already did a long time ago.

He only brought low rank demons so i managed to lessen them in numbers. I guess he didn't plan to end their rivalry here. "Yeji unnie!" i shouted when she crashed on the ground.

"Yeji?" he frowned at me before attacking me. He is much stronger than me so i failed to block it. I tried to fly away as fast as i could but he's easily catching up. I glanced at Yeji who's currently absorbing all the demon's energy flying around her. One by one they fell on the ground, lifeless.

Yeji stood up with her eyes glowing red full or rage catching up to us. Her twin managed to cut my left wing before Yeji could grab her to throw him away.

Before i fall to the ground, Yeji caught me and brought me somewhere safe.

"Fuck..." i groaned when i felt the pain on my back. I just watched Yeji chase her brother. I froze when i noticed where they headed.

"Lia unnie-" i tried to fly but I couldn't. This is bad. I reverted my wings back and started running. In just minutes i saw them, Chaeryeong in front of the two ready for his attacks.

"Ryujin unnie!!"



Ryujin's POV

We all looked up when we heard noises above. That's when i saw Yeji chasing her brother. Chaeryeong told us to run away but suddenly my feet were stucked to the ground.

Her brother lunged down fast towards me. His feathers flew like daggers along with him.

My eyes met Yeji's eyes then i heard her voice, shouting my name. A searing pain kicks in to my system as i felt the cold ground on my back.

"No, no please. Ryujin look at me." i held her hand touching my cheeks. Blood started coming out of my mouth and I'm having a hard time to breathe.

"Chaeryeong, do something!" she yelled at her.

"I-i can't." i knew what she meant by that. She can only save me from death one time. I looked at her telling it's okay.

"Pathetic." "What happened to you sister? Crying over a lowly creature? How can you possibly rule hell if you're like that? FATHER IS SO WRONG NOT CHOOSING ME!" his voice echoed throughout the place.

"Heyyy.." i softly kissed her hand. "You can do this Yeji!... I'll always be with you so please don't cry now." i can feel numbness all over my body.

"Don't say that Ryujin-ah!" Jisu cried beside me. I smiled at her. I'll surely miss this girl.

I know I'd die anyway but i just didn't expect it would be like this. This soon. It's all suffocating and painful. It's cold. "Yedd..eong-ah.."


Yuna's POV

She's gone. "Ryujin unnie..." i called her one more time. The ground started shaking. Yeji isn't moving an inch but i know it's her even her brother stopped laughing.

She released a radial blast that caused us to be thrown away. I immediately ran to Lia unnie who's now unconscious while Chaeryeong is carrying Ryujin.

She helped me carry Lia since i still couldn't fly well from my wounds.

Yeji lost control on who she is. She's just attacking her brother without thinking, without feeling anything. Tears wouldn't stop falling from her red glowing eyes.

She managed to grab her brother's neck and started choking him. She did it without remorse seen in her eyes full of rage.

"Die." she coldly said. All of us felt fear just by that one word from her. Black smoke combined with electricity gathered on her arm to her brother's neck. His scream was heard miles away as he got electrocuted.

Yeji didn't stop even though he's gone till he turned to ashes. All the demons he brought with him landed and bowed down to her.

She fell kneeling down the ground. Rain kept pouring down as she looked up to the sky. "Show yourself to me!" she's calling him. "Please!"


Lightning flashed across the sky. He's responding.


I couldn't update the whole day because we have classes again IDK IF THIS IS GOOD
:(( anws I'll try to finish this one tonight!!

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