XVI: Poison

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Yeji's POV

I ran to the living room to get my phone. My hands were shaking and i couldn't stop crying while i try to contact Yuna. This is all my fault. I know i should've held back but my selfishness always wins.

"Hey, Yeji unnie"

"Yuna..." i didn't know how to tell her what happened.

"It's Ryujin..please come over here."

I could sense the panic in her voice before she hangup. I took a deep breath and looked at Ryujin who's unconscious. I covered her up and just held her hand. She's sweating but her hands were cold as ice.

"I'm sorry Ryuddaeng," i sobbed.

I heard a knock from the window so i got up to open it. It was Yuna. I told her what happened and all she could do is sigh because it's already done. "Her heart holds a lot of demonic energy,"

"It is meant to happen but the pace in your relationship made the spread faster," my mind couldn't absorb anything she says. I'm concentrating all of my energy in my head along with all the negative thoughts i have. I'm feeling my rage till Yuna hit me.

"Yeji unnie!" Yuna shouted at me. "Calm down, her body reacted when you were doing that.." i worriedly glanced at Ryujin breathing heavily.

"Do something, Yuna."

"Please." i begged her even we both know no one among us could help Ryujin especially me who caused it all. I saw Yuna put her hand on Ryujin's chest, "I'll try to absorb the dark energy."

Small strands of black smoke started coming out of Ryujin's chest that went into Yuna's hand. She's in pain while slowly absorbing my power. She knew this would happen but she still insisted to do it for me.

Her arm was slowly engulfed in black smoke while Ryujin started to breathe normally again. Yuna stopped when she knew she couldn't take anymore.

"Yeji..." we both looked at Ryujin. Her eyes are still closed but she's breathing fine now and her temperature is rising up back to normal. But the fear in me came back when i noticed the poison on her chest. It didn't even shrink in half of its size.

"I'm so sorry Yeji unnie...the poison is so strong since it came from you, i couldn't--" I stopped her from talking. She shouldn't say sorry to me because this is all my fault.

Escaping from my brother was a mistake in the first place. I shouldn't have come here.

"Thank you, Yuna-ya."

I told her she could go home now but she told me she'll stay till Ryujin wakes up. My head is aching from all the thoughts i have right now. I'm thinking hard of ways to remove the poison to her heart without having to leave her life for good.

I am aware that's the only way but I couldn't fight myself from being selfish. For days, I've been convincing myself to let her go but i keep failing. I want her so bad i keep ignoring the fact that she's going to die because of me.

"Yeddeong-ah~" i got back to my senses when i heard her called me. Her smile disappeared fast and was replaced by a worried look. She asked me what's wrong when she noticed my eyes are red from crying.

Why is she like this? She's not even thinking about herself even a little bit. She always put me first...why couldn't you do the same Yeji?

Why? I kept asking myself. I was staring blankly when i felt her getting up. She was still weak so i supported her by holding her arm and back. Yuna is just looking at us while she's waiting for her arm to fully absorb all the energy from earlier.

"What's wrong Yeddeong? Why is Yuna here?"

"You don't remember anything?" i worriedly asked her. She frowned before answering,

"I--uhmm, well i knew we fucked." she was awkward because Yuna was here.

Tears started to form on my eyes so i immediately hugged her to hide them. She was confused but she still patted my head and caress my back. I hate you Ryujin for being like this.

No, you should hate yourself Yeji. You're a coward.


Ryujin's POV

I glanced at Yuna who seemed so tired from stretching her right arm. Yeji won't pull away from our hug anytime soon, she even tightened it.

I could stay like this for hours but i kept asking myself Did something happen? The last thing i remember is when i was back-hugging her after we made love.

"Ryujin unnie, how are you feeling?" Yuna asked. I gave her a confused look.

"Alright. Did something happen or?" Yeji pulled away after I've responded. She's directly looking at me with guilt in her eyes.

"Your body couldn't take the poison anymore so you collapsed. It grew faster as we got closer and closer."

"I called Yuna for help but she just managed to take out a little amount. I'm sorry, Ryujin..."

I had a hard time trying to process things. "I'm so sorry..." Yeji said once again it broke me. I feel like i was suffocating and a sharp pain in my chest followed that made me froze for seconds.

Yuna noticed it and went towards me but i stopped her to not scare Yeji any more. I took a deep breath before pulling Yeji again closer.

"Sshh, don't cry Yeddeong-ah," i calmed her while i caressed her head.

"It's not your fault hmm?"

I gave her a long kiss on the forehead. She may be the devil but for me she's the most fragile person who needs to be taken care of.

"Don't blame yourself because I choose you Yeji. I knew the consequences...from the moment i signed the contract," i let out a chuckle. I'm a fool i know.

"And when you first kissed me that night, i just knew...I'd give up everything just to keep you by my side."

I tilted her face up before softly kissing her on the lips. You're crazy, Shin Ryujin.

And for the greatest sin I've committed comes along the punishment. Death? We're all going to die at some point. If it means being with Yeji then I'd gladly accept it.

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