XI: Pitch Black

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Yeji's POV

"I love you, Yeji." i heard that loud and clear. I just didn't know how to respond that's why i pretended i was asleep already. She put some clothes on me before laying down beside me. I waited till she fell asleep before deciding to leave. I carefully put a pillow under her arm so that she has something to hug.

I checked my phone to see the time and it's already 1 am. I hope they're all asleep so i can leave peacefully. I walked towards the terrace and looked around before i let out my black wings. I haven't used them for a while. I looked back at Ryujin who's still heavily sleeping then i took off.

My mind was too occupied that i didn't notice Yuna has followed me. I slowed down a bit so she could keep up. There's no point in hiding to her. We landed on a different island but we can still see the resort miles away.

"Why did you follow me?"

"I know something happened between you and Ryujin unnie tonight." i didn't respond.

"You know that's against the contract right?"

"Yeji, what were you thinking?!" I'm just letting her scold me.

"I knew you were lying to me about your strength. You just can't leave Ryujin here. But you know you have a big responsibility down there."

I don't know what to say because she's right. I tried to maintain my composure.

"Yeji unnie...you know this thing you have would kill her right?" and i failed. My tears won't stop from falling from my eyes. I'm trying to keep quiet but i know Yuna will notice anytime soon.

"Unnie..." she sat down beside me and hugged me sideways. I leaned on her shoulders and cried harder. Only Yuna has seen me cry. She's with me since we were kids being trained for our roles in the underworld. She's my one wish to our father to not take her away from my life and i promised to follow all his orders.

I'm confused. I knew every consequences of my actions but i let my emotions win. Emotions i didn't know i was capable of feeling. I'm being unfair to Ryujin but I can't and i know i wouldn't stop myself. All i want is her.

"I wouldn't let her die." i'll do anything to prevent that from happening.

"I'll be here with you till the end, Yeji unnie." Yuna said. This girl is my best friend and my little sister. I'd protect her from anything like how I'll do for Ryujin.

I stopped crying after a while but we decided to stay there. They can't see me like this. My mind is still full of everything that happened in the past months. Yuna tries to cheer me up by throwing rocks to the sea.

It's almost 6am when we got back at the resort. We quietly went back to our rooms since everyone were still sleeping. She waved at me before going in her room. I locked the door and found Ryujin sleeping with her mouth slightly opened. Cute. I removed the pillow she's hugging and laid down beside her. I hugged her tight as i try to brush off the thoughts on my mind.


Ryujin's POV

I woke up because i feel someone is constantly poking my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Yeji smiling widely at me.

"Am i dreaming right now?"
She playfully hit my arm then pouted. My Yeddeong is so cute when she's mad.

"Good morning, Yeddeong-ah~"

"Good morning, Ryuddaeng," she responded. What a special endearment we have.

I stretched my body while heading towards the bathroom. I washed my face then brushed my teeth. I then removed my polo and saw something odd. Thin black nerve-like lines are on my chest. I examined it closer to the mirror but then Yeji came so i covered it up fast. I don't know if i should tell her this.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Mmhm" i answered. I buttoned my polo and then i walked towards her. I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeddeong-ah, can you check if Jisu and Yuna is already awake?" she needs to get out so i can check this thing. She nodded at me and immediately left our room. As soon as she left, i ran back to the bathroom. I don't feel hurt or anything but i know this is from what we did last night. I just hope this is a temporary effect.

I got out of our room to find Yeji and the others. I greeted Felix who's now awake. I saw the three girls walking out of the room. We then went down the stairs to have breakfast. Felix said to wake up the others so we can have breakfast together. I woke up the girls by jumping on them. Winter hit me with her pillow nonstop.

"Come on, you guys."

"I'll kill you RJ!"


We're all on the table currently eating. They're talking about their plans for the day since we're going home this afternoon. Everything is going fine till Winter spoke,

"Yeji, what's that on your neck?" damn you Winter. She referring to Yeji's hickey. I told her to hide it well! I avoided their stares as hard as I could. Yeji was about to answer when Yuna spoke too.

"I did that to her last night." they were all shocked.

"Oh but it's not what you think! I was just bored hehe~" she added. Whew, i guess that saved us for now. There's only one person who know it was made up. Jisu.


We waved goodbye to Jisu and Yuna. Finally, I'm back home. I feel so tired because of the trip. I feel like i need a hug so i hugged Yeji from the back.

"How's my Yeddeong?"

"Did you enjoy the sea?" i asked in a playful tone but she just nodded at me.

"What's wrong?"

She let out a sigh and faced me. "Don't lie to me Ryujin okay? Tell me how you feel."

"I already told you last night. But you were asleep!" i chuckled.

"No, i mean right now."

"I love you, Yeji." i said while looking directly at her eyes. I know she's not talking about that but i won't tell her. Not now.

"Shin Ryujin."

She looks really mad at me right now. She looked somewhere else while frowning. She then brushed my hair to the back and seemed like she's checking something. That's when i saw what's in it. I saw how a part of my hair turned black and how the other sides are already black.

Pitch black.


I hope you eat ur meals, xoxo

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