Chapter 15

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Luther took slow steps upstairs, going nearer to his rooms door. Rosalie was sobbing inside and cursing everything for making things go down this way. She always wanted a normal life, especially, after the plane crash, and all it did was fall down the pit even more. She turned her back to the door staring out the window. Her brother would always say 'it will be okay' and he would be there to help. But where was he when she really needed him. Rosalie knew she couldn't always rely on him but it gave some feeling of comfort and safety. It was a feeling telling her she wasn't safe with Luther. All Rosalie wanted was to go home and put her life back together. Even if there was no one waiting for her back home. Not her parents, not her brother, no one. It was just her.

Luther caught her attention the way he softly knocked on the white wooden door. He didn't want to scare her again. Rosalie ignored him and not even took a glance at the shut door. His knuckles met with the door again in a light knock and still got no response. Eventhough, he was starting to get pissed, he kept it all inside not wanting to mess things up again. Rosalie stayed still, not replying and not doing anything. She has had enough for today. A soothing calm voice traveled through the room which she recognized as Luthers. It was rare to hear his voice this soft and caring. "Love please open the door. " He put his hand against the door waiting for her to open it. His head fell against it and he kept waiting. Rosalie went closer to the door waiting for him to say something, but got silence in response. She wanted to yell at him so badly, tell him to let her go. She wanted to let everything out that she has kept bottled up inside. He couldn't hurt her now, not with him on the otherside,  but she knew he would once she came out. She couldn't stay locked in a room forever.

Her thin voice spoke as she took the courage she had left, and raised a question she has been eversince she got here. "Luther..." He replied with a hum telling her to continue. "When will you let me go? I miss my home. " Rosalies eyed filled with tears at the memories of her home and her brother, the amazing and witty times they had together. His heavy breathing was becoming scary for anyone who would've heard it. "I told you you are not leaving this place wether you like it or not!" "Then don't expect me to open this door ever again." She yelled back at him only just a hint of anger surfacing of what she had inside. He hit his fist against the door and moved away, going to one of the guest rooms. While walking past the kitchen he realized his cousin was here and helping Lorenzo. He got even more pissed at the sight him.

"Xavier! Get your little bitch out of here and he's no longer aloud to set foot in her." Xavier was a tall man with pale skin and black hair covering his forehead his black shirt was hugging his muscles just fine making him and Luther appear the same size. A smug smirk spread across his cousins face thinking about the way Luther was clearly pissed off. " What did he do?" He chuckled amused, while pulling out a barstool and sitting down waiting for Luther to continue. Lorenzo next to him was starting to become concious but could hardly open his eyes. This time it was Luthers turn to smirk for giving him a piece of his mind. "Your little slut here is making a move on my girl." Luther walked closer to Xavier. By now Xaviers smirk has disappeared. The thought of Lorenzo being with someone else apart from him made his blood boil. "Well seems like I'm getting some fun once we get back." Another wide smirk spread across his face imagining how he was going to treat Lorenzo once they got back home. "I don't give a fuck what you do to him, but get this bitch out of here or I'm going to be the one to kill him." He stopped making deep eye contact with his cousin while taking a deep breath. "And we both know that would be slow torture and his screams filling the room asking me to kill him. Hope you remember what I used to do, and this will be no different."

Everything Luther said was true. He was the worst torturer that probably exsisted. When he still worked with Xavier in the dirty business he used to punish every single person that was in some kind of debt. He would make sure it was a painful and extremely slow death. People would be just begging for him to stop and kill them but that would take out the fun of it for Luther. What's the fun in just shooting a man dead. Sometimes he would get so carried away Xavier would have to come in and stop him, and Xavier was a cold heartless person. After sometime he got bored of it and quit. No one understood why but he just did.

" Ahh...I get it. It's because of her isn't it? Such an innocent young women. You wanted to change the monster you are once you laid eyes on her, didn't you." Xavier got up from his stool and walked closer to Luther.
"Well then let me tell you something. You will never change. You will always be the same monstrous man you always were. You'll hurt everyone around you and you'll just stay alone. That's why Emily left isn't it?" He started chuckling to himself at the facts he was stating. But for Luther it wasn't funny at all, not even close. Past memories came rushing back into his mind about the first girl he ever truly loved and failed to protect. "You haven't lost feelings for her have you?" The look of pain and failure, that Luthers eyes held gave him amusement. Torturing his cousin like this was just pure amusement to Xavier. Luther couldn't look him in the eye. Losing Emily was to hard on him, and Xavier behaving the way he is isn't helping. "Get lost Xavier." Xavier had to leave. This was Luthers home and he did not have the right to confront him about the past. "What? Old scars haven't healed?" He started chuckling while moving one more step closer to the deadly man infront of him. He knew what he was doing was wrong but pissing of Luther who was older than him was just too much fun. "It was all your fault Luther! She would still be alive if you weren't the monster you are."  Something snapped in Luther, which was no other than his control. He grabbed onto Xaviers neck pushing him against the middle of the kitchen till his back hit the kitchen island. Xavier was laughing like a maniac. "You have no right to speak to me like that." Luthers voice was rough like a growl and anger was laced in every bit of it. "Why wouldn't I? Let's see who has all the power in the family." This isn't how this was supposed to go. Luther let go of his neck knowing what Xavier was trying to do. He took atleast three steps back away from Xavier running a hand through his hair thinking things through. But his cousin moved closer to him once again. "Come on Luther show me what a monster you are! Everyone knows it no need to hide." And this is when Xavier ended up on the floor. Luther punched him hard across the face, hard enough to make him fall down and make a satisfied smirk spread across his face. "Is that all you got? Well you're getting weaker, is time having an affect on you?" Xavier continued mocking and pissing off Luther. His firm, strong hand grabbed onto Xaviers collar lifting him up off the ground, pushing him against a barstool. "That's it." Luther banged his back against the edge making Xavier flinch in pain. He took a knife from nearby and placed it against his neck, careful not to make a cut just yet. "See you haven't changed, and you won't no matter how hard you try." Luther was taking heavy breaths not believing him. He has speant so much time trying to change, he just needed a little more. He let go of Xavier and he left with some men carrying Lorenzo out to the car.

As the door shut Luthers legs went numb and fell on his knees, looking down at the knife in his hand. He started wondering if Xavier was right. Was he really a monster? His memories lead him back to Emily, and that didn't lead to anything good.


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Word Count: 1517

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