Chapter 5

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She was finally able to think. Not knowing where she was or what had happened to her, she was sure as hell that she wanted to kick some ass. And not anyone's ass. No. Lucas' ass.

'That son of a bitch Lucas dragged me in the middle of no- fucking were, and drugged me. '

Her eyelids felt too heavy to lift. Instead, she scrunched up her eyebrows and lifted her hand up to rub her temples. Only, she couldn't.

No matter how much effort she put into it, her hands were numb.
She opened her eyes in panic checking her surroundings.
Rosalie's tired eyes grew wide at the sight of both her hand's legs being cuffed down on a bed. Her body parts had gone numb.

'That son of a bitch dared to cuff me.'

When hearing a low chuckle from the corner of the room she turned her head to see who it was. It was all too dark to see who it belonged to, but she knew exactly who it belonged to.

She moved her body around trying to get free. Even though she knew it was useless cause the cuffs would only open with keys. Her instincts still made her move around trying to get free from this sick man. Another low, amused chuckle filled the quiet room.
"Honestly, What's the fucking point?"
He asked pushing himself out of the chair. A shadow figure walked over to the bed towering over the scared girl. "You son of a bitch! Let me go!" His face was even more amused, as he watched her struggle being tied down. "And why the hell would I do that?" His smirk grew at the sight of her totally helpless situation. "Who on earth even are you? And how do you know who I am?" She pulled her hands again whimpering from the cuffs cutting in deep. Her whimpers and heavy breathing were filling the room as she tried to get free. Lucas was finding it harder to control himself by the minute. "Look kitten I didn't cuff you down to have this long boring conversation with you." He moved closer wanting more from the girl than just whimpers. He wanted her to moan from the unbearable pleasure he was going to give her. The cuff on her right hand tightened as she moved further away from him. "Well sorry If this conversation is boring to you but I don't care! Now tell me who you are!" He let out a long frustrated sigh. "Fine. Let's do it the long boring way." He went back to the corner of the room. A scraping sound filled the room as the four legs of the chair dragged along the floor. Lucas sat down with a sigh. "Okay, you get seven questions."

She started to think what would be worth asking, she didn't want to ruin this. If she escapes she needs to be able to tell everything to the police.
"Okay, First of all, who are you?" His reply was short. "Luther Carson." She moved on to the next question. "What do you want from me?" She was hoping nothing bad. She wanted to stay clean and find her brother. "You wouldn't like to know that."
He said bluntly shrugging his shoulders. Her eyes widened what terrible things he wanted to do with her. "How do you know who I am?" She had a feeling he had something to do with the note on her desk. "I've been stalking you." For some reason, she wasn't that surprised. "Isn't that illegal?" She whispered to herself. Her eyes widened once again as she knew he had heard her. "Yes, it is." She tried to lift herself up making the bed clatter against the wall. "Wait, don't count that as a question." "Too late, and if you don't stop moving around I'll be the reason why the bed will bang against the wall. Understood?"
He said with an amused smirk spreading on his devilish face. Rosalie nodded as fast as she could not wanting that to happen. "Why did you kidnap me?" "I wouldn't exactly call it that. You see you got in the car willingly and agreed to come with me. You were unconscious when I brought you here so how could you say no?" A proud smile spread across his face. "Are you a psychopath or something? How can you say that like it's normal?" "First; no
second; Because it is." "To you maybe." "I'll ask you again! What do you want from me?" By now she was fuming with anger with these half-answers. "To late Kitten. Seven questions already up." "Hang on but-" She didn't some of them shouldn't have been counted as questions. Her head was still fuzzy from the drugs, how did he expect her to keep count?
"You should've been wiser." He pulled the chair back to the corner of the room and sat down. She moved her hands once again feeling the cuffs dig into her bruised skin. "Could you uncuff me it's really hurting me?" "You'll escape If I do." " Escape?" The thought made her wish she could but right now she had to hang on and not mess up. Who knows what this psycho might do to her. "I don't even know where I am let alone escape." He let out a long sigh. "Sorry, but you're staying like this tonight." He said heading for the door. That sounded terrible. "Hang on! wait!" He stopped in his steps and turned his head towards the girl. "I won't escape I promise. you can keep an eye on me just please they really hurt."

She looked at him with pleading eyes.
His facial features seemed to soften,
as he made his way over to her once again, he reached in his pocket and pulled out the keys.

He started with her bruised legs. After hearing the cuff fall down and it felt way better. Blood started flowing through her feet. After the other leg was done as well she froze.
Not moving an inch, she felt his cold hand run up her bare leg. Since He didn't let her get changed she was still wearing her baby blue dress. His cold hands traced up her thigh sending shivers all over her body. "W-what are y-you doing?"
It came out shakier than she would've liked. But she had no idea how much Luther was resisting. How long he had wanted to touch this flawless body. How much he wanted to see the eyes looking into his that captured his heart. How much he wanted everyone to know that no one was allowed to touch her. "Touching what's mine." He answered her question.
His right hand grabbed onto her inner thigh earning a gasp at the sudden pressure. " I'm not yours" She breathed out, her lips trembling. " I don't like to repeat myself kitten, so don't ever question again who you belong to." "No do not belong to anyone, so you might as well just let me go." He let go of her thigh and slammed her hands against the bed.
"Do you want me to make it final?" She immediately knew what he was referring to, anyone would when they are locked together with a sick bastard. "Let go." An evil smirk appeared on his lips "Thought so."
He chuckled to himself as he turned the key in the lock again.

After uncuffing her hands as well she sat up. Her head felt so heavy that she just wanted to lay in one spot.
But she needed all her strength if she was going to escape. "Where's the bathroom?" He didn't say anything and instead lifted her.
She pushed her hands on his chest yelling at him to put her down, but it just seemed like it was a waste of energy. After she finally went quiet, giving up on letting her walk, he spoke: "Good girl you'll need that precious voice of yours later on."

She scrunched up her face in disgust. He was not going to make her sleep with him that was for sure. He took her upstairs and into a room. She assumed it was his since it was just as dark as his presence, and the whole room smelt of his intoxicating cologne. "You work In a café but you're hella rich." She said doubting that even his workplace was true. She was mad for being lied to, but a psychotic, stalker would never tell the truth. He put her down on the bed and walked back to lock the bedroom door.

'That bastard.'

"Bathrooms over there."
He said pointing to a white door in the corner. She stood up and went inside.
She looked around and searched for a window or a phone or anything that could help her get out of here. Nothing. Not even a razor to cut herself and have him take her to the hospital.

She flushed the toilet and ran the tap water for a bit. She went outside and looked around. He was leaning against the wall beside the bathroom door.
Rosalie stopped as she got too close to him.
Moving back into the bathroom she looked up at him. "What do you want you to prick?" "Now, now, is that any way to speak to me." She scoffed feeling like it is a tone he deserves. "It very much is. Now answer the damn question." "Fine, what do I want? You."
He said in a split second not hesitating what to say. She moved back even more. She had a feeling he wasn't letting her go anytime soon. "Let me go. You don't want me, I'm no use. I have no money, I have done nothing wrong, so you can let me go."

She walked past him and made her way back to the door.
He caught her injured wrist and pulled her back making the girl fall against his chest. She pushed herself off and tried to free her hand. "You want the cuffs back on, now do you?"
She instantly stopped moving. She looked at her hands and decided she definitely didn't want those cuffs back on her. He pushed her down on the bed and crawled beside her. "Go to sleep."
His voice came out rough and aggressive. "I just woke up thanks to you. You can't expect me to sleep with you beside me."

He gave her a look that she'll never forget. She turned to her side and pretended to sleep. Soon she felt an arm wrap itself around her and pull her small frame closer.

'Just a few more minutes.'

2 hours later...

She was more than sure he was asleep by now. After moving his arm off Rosalie got out of bed.

She quietly ran to the door. Remembering that it was locked, she tried to think of places he would hide the key. She ended up looking for things to pick it up with.

Did this man have anything else than just clothes and a bed in his room? Sorry forgot the bathroom as well. "You just don't learn the easy way do you?"

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