Chapter 11

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Rosalie was struggling against Luthers firm hold on her arms. The man above her was panting still holding himself somewhat back. He really wanted to take her right here right now but that would ruin the plan. He had to wait. Just a little longer and he can have her. A pair of soft lips brushed against Rosalies. It was a slow soft kiss. She didn't understand why his mood changed so suddenly. He stopped kissing her and his nose brushed against her skin as he moved his face to her collarbone. Rosalie could see Luthers eyes closed and saw the knife still lying on the nightstand. It was close to the edge. One wrong move and it would fall down on the floor. Just as everything in her life had. Starting with her parents death and now being kidnapped.

She slowly lifted her hand touching Luthers back. Her fingers grazed over the soft skin and the muscles on his back. She didn't want him to be suspicious even if he was hardly paying any attention to her. Luther found her sweet spot again and she held a moan back letting her nails dig into his perfect skin earning a groan. While the room was filled with heavy breathing a small clatter was heard making him stop. Rosalie's breath hitched. She couldn't mess up this time. playing along with the situation would probably help, and so that's what she did. "Please...don't stop." She breathed out. This made Luther go crazy. He wanted her even more. The plan was long forgotten and his mind was clouded with lust and her. The small clatter sound was forgotten and he ran his hand up her waist and stopped just under her breast.

A groan filled the room as Rosalie plunged the knife into Luthers back. Blood flowing out of the knife wound, trailing down his back and onto Rosalie's dress. She took that short moment of weakness as her chance and pushed him off herself. She moved to the door unbolting the door and running downstairs. Luther took the knife out of his back with a loud groan and ran after the girl. She was almost outside. A rough hand caught her and she fell down. She looked back and saw Jared. A sudden feeling of disapointment filled her. How can someone see how she was being treated and not let her escape. He must've seen or heard what he had done to her. She started crying once again and there was no more energy in her body. She collapsed on the floor the last thing being seen is Luthers angry face and his torso covered in blood.

So close but still so far.

She woke up to the coldness touching her skin. The room was dark, damp and it was harder to breath in here than usual. She opened her eyes and was met with darkness. She gave up trying to sit up as there were cuffs and chains on her hands legs and neck. She couldn't see if there was anyone else in the room but her guess of Luther being here was right. She didn't want to see his face let alone imagine the things he could do. Rosalie messed up real bad, if only she would've been able to escape.

"So, do you want to talk about the little stunt you pulled back there?" Rosalie pulled her hands again hoping to get free of the cuffs, but once again failed. "Get lost you asshole." He chuckled moving closer to her so that Rosalie could see him. "Such foul words from such a pretty mouth." He grabbed her chin harshly turning her head towards him. "How many times have I told you that you can't leave this place?" Rosalie kept moving trying to free herself with no success. He could see she wasn't listening to him and spoke. "No food or water for two days. You'll stay down here until then." He left slamming the door shut behind him.

She continued fiddling with the cuffs and groaned. It was already dusk and it was cold outside. Her thin dress did most ceartainly not protect her from the cold. Her frame was starting to get cold and she had to stay down here for two days. She hoped that maybe Lorenzo would notice her absence and would search for her. But the chances of the were low. He might've been fired for all she knows. She hoped that none of that happened and he did not lose his job because of Rosalie. Lorenzo had told her that Xavier was Luthers cousin, maybe he wouldn't fire Lorenzo, just maybe. But if Luther knew that Lorenzo was his cousins boyfriend why did he get mad? This thought kept bugging Rosalie's mind for the rest of the night.

When she woke up it was colder than last night. Her body was cold and the blood in her veins was flowing slowly, making her limbs go numb. No one came down here all night not even Luther. Not that it was a problem. If he would come down here he would hurt her non-stop. She was thinking of the horrible things he would do to her. The metal door opened and closed witha aheavy thud. She knew who it was and didn't use her energy to turn her head and look at him.

She heard something thud. Her eyes were now on the person that was thrown next to her. Luther stood above both of them proudly. "I hope you missed your brother. " At those words Rosalies eyes filled with tears and she wanted to get free all the more. Her hands were destined to get free and wrap around her brother. "Jojo?" Her voice was weak and quiet. The body of her brother didn't move. Rosalie panicked and wanted to be nearer to him so badly. "What did you do to him you bitch?" She looked at his body frightened that he was gone. "Since you tried to escape, and it wasn't the first time as I recall, you touched another man and now you spent time with the same man. I'm getting suspicious Rosalie." Her eyes widened. He's never called her on her full name before. He was definetly furious. "How many times do I have to tell you nothing happened! Lorenzo is gay his boyfriend is Xavier your cousin and you know that, why can't you understand?!" She was mad and continued yelling. She was pissed Luther knew everything why did he have to pretend he doesn't know. He scoffed and chuckled like a psycho his lips forming a smile. "Okay," He spoke in a weird amused tone. "Let's put a few things to place in that head of yours." He continued smiling and enjoying the sight before him.

" My cousin Xavier is the leader of the underworld. He does the dirty business out of the two of us. He laid eyes on that man Lorenzo. No one said Lorenzo was gay. He's Bisexual. Now you understand why I was in such a shitty mood. He isn't staying with Xavier because he want's to. He has no other choice. Like you don't either. He's only working here because he tried comitting suicide." Rosalies eyes watered even more. She didn't even imagine how many things this poor guy has been through and probably the same thing was waiting for her. She'll help Lorenzo escape and herself. They'll make it out of here. Together.

Rosalie took another glance at her brother. "Why is my brother here?" Luther looked down at her brother rolling him over with the tip of his dirty shoe. "Well, let's wait for him to wake up and you'll see." He gave Rosalie a small smirk. "You still have one more day to go."

He left the small, damp room with Rosalie and her unconsious brother lying on the floor.


Guys I'm starting to get less fond of Luther😓

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             | Word Count: 1339 |

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