Chapter 8

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Luther opened the door to his bedroom and went to the bathroom. He left the door open letting the light seep into the bedroom. Rosalie sat up on the bed after being up for some time now. She looked at Luther who pulled his white shirt over his head throwing it away. Rosalie's eyes stared at his beautiful, muscular back, imagining what it would be like to run her fingers over those carved muscles. "See something you like?" He asked turning towards the girl. She quickly looked away pretending not to even notice him. She was still mad. It might've been wrong to try and escape but that still didn't mean he had to hit her. She felt sad and scared that if he was treating her like this now, what will happen later on. She laid back down ignoring his presence. He let out a chuckle and shut the bathroom door.

After about ten minutes he was out with a white towel wrapped around his waist. "What's wrong love?" She felt the bed dip on Luther's side and soon felt his lips linger on her shoulder. She didn't speak and just kept staring at nothing. "Tell me what's bothering you." His tone was firmer as his second attempt to try and find out what was wrong with her. Still, he got no reply from her. "Okay, we'll do this the hard way." Rosalie's eyes widened but she stayed still, pretending to not be affected. He leaned over her reaching for something in the draw. He pulled out a small swiss army knife, bringing it close to the girl's skin. He turned her around now pushing the knife ever so lightly against her skin. "Tell me what's wrong if you don't want me scarring this beautiful face of yours." She gulped taking slow breaths. She felt like he wouldn't hurt her at least she hoped. Although as much as she knew Luther, she was probably wrong. "Answer my question love." He pushed the silver blade more onto her skin almost drawing blood. "I- I just..." She didn't dare to tell him. She had told it a thousand times now and he just became more pissed every time.
"Go on." She took a deep breath and answered. "I just want-want to go home."

Luther's eyes burned with fury as he looked at the girl under him. He lifted the knife and pulled it across her cheek cutting the skin and drawing blood. "You ungrateful bitch." She flinched at his foul words. "I could've killed you after forcing myself on you but I didn't. Would you rather I do that? And still, you want to go home." He slapped her bruised cheek drawing more blood. She whimpered and lifted her hand covering her cheek.

Luther grabbed her hands and held her down pushing his lips on hers. She tried pulling away but the mattress stopped her from doing so. He bit down on her bottom lip drawing blood once again and tasting it on his tongue. She tried pushing him away moving her torso but failed in succeeding.

Rosalie had enough. Once his lips were over hers again she harshly bit down on his upper lip making it bruised. He pulled away at the pain a bit and she took that as a chance to knock her forehead into his. He let go of her hand and she pushed herself out from under him and onto the floor. Her head hit the boards of the floor making her a bit dizzy and grunt. Before she could successfully get up, her throat was grabbed and she was finding it harder to breathe. Luther's grip tightened around her neck making her eyes water.  "Do you never learn?" He banged her head against the floor. She scratched at his hands even harder, desperately in need of air. "Please." By now she wasn't getting any air. Her eyes were pleading with him, he lifted her head banging it against the floor one more time. She lay there on the floor cold and afraid. Tears were flowing out of her eyes staining her cheeks. Luther ran his hand threw his hair breathing heavily. He didn't want to hurt her, but as long as she didn't do as told he had to use violence. "Get up and go to bed." Her hands were shaking as she supported her weight and got back on the bed. She turned away from Luther not wanting to meet his eyes. She felt his presence beside her and hugged herself moving as close to the edge as she could.

Luther's hand touched the girl's frame. His fingers traced her shoulder making the girl flinch as the tip of his finger touched her. She didn't want to be anywhere near him. But she won't be so stupid to ask for death and move away from him. The bed dipped more by her head as he lifted himself up on his elbows pushing a kiss on her bruised cheek. "I'm sorry baby I hurt you, just don't make me angry." He kissed her cheek again. She stayed still and shut her eyes. She just had to find the right moment to escape.

Morning came quickly and she had no intention of getting out of bed. To her luck, Luther wasn't beside her, probably down in his office working. She sat up on the bed checking the time seeing it was a little past seven. She laid back down but looked up when the door opened. Jared let in that boy from the kitchen.

She was wondering what could've happened to Luther that he wasn't the one bringing her breakfast. Not like she minded. "What are you doing here?" The blonde boy smiled at her setting down the tray. "Good morning to you too Bella."He sat down on the edge of the bed and pushed the tray more in front of Rosalie. "Mr. Carson needed to go on a business trip. He told me to bring you breakfast." She took the tray in her lap and tasted the omelet on the plate. "Thank you it tastes very nice." After swallowing her first bite she pushed it to the side and laid back down on the bed. The boy just looked at her food and then her. Wondering what could be wrong. His eyes found the scar on her cheek, and the prints on her neck. "What happened?" His voice was soft and concerned. She wanted to cry. But she couldn't. If Luther would find out she was complaining, he'd do much more than last night. "I'm okay." That was all she whispered. She felt the boy's hand on her waist and jumped up not letting him touch her. If Luther would find out he'd hurt both of them. "Please don't."  He lifted his hand away placing it back on his lap. "Sorry Bella, but you seem frustrated." She looked into the blonde boy's emerald green eyes and got lost. She just wanted to tell someone how bad he was treating her, what had happened since she was brought here and how much she missed her home. But she couldn't she had to keep her lips sealed.

Silence filled the room. Neither of them spoke. Rosalie pulled her legs up to her chest burying her face in her knees. "Well, if you need anyone to talk to Bella, you can come to me. I'll be in the kitchen." She nodded her head waiting for him to leave. How could he even care what was going on with her, she was just as much of a stranger to him as he was to her. But it seems like that didn't bother him. He opened the door ready to leave but the girl's quiet voice stopped him. "What's your name?" The boy turned his head back a bit his eyes not meeting hers. Although she could see a bit of happiness in his eyes that she has spoken to him. He gave a short reply ending with a question. "Lorenzo Marchetti. And your Bella?" A small smile appeared on her lips from the never disappearing nickname. "I'm Rosalie Anderson." He moved back to the bed. "Well Rosalie, it's nice to meet you." She took his hand and shook it.

The door opened and both looked towards the door. Luther was standing in front looking at their hands. Rosalie quickly let go and looked away. "You are excused, Lorenzo." She was more than surprised he let him off the hook like that. Why didn't he hurt him when he hurt Rosalie. The girl was happy Lorenzo wasn't hurt, but the anger that Luther's eyes held made her scared. "So, did you enjoy your time with him?" She didn't answer. "Answer me." His voice was rough and demanding. His dominant side which never disappeared was now even scarier. "We just talked." She knew better than to make him ask twice. "About what?" He asked nodding his head. He started taking out his belt, pulling it out of his jeans. "We- we just introduced ourselves." He nodded his head.

Luther grabbed the end of the sheets covering Rosalie's body and hit the belt harshly against her skin. She cried out in pain not knowing why she was hurt. She didn't do anything wrong. She answered Luther's questions and didn't talk about anything inappropriate with Lorenzo. "Why?" That was all she could croak out while holding her cries back. She's only been here for two days and she already had bruises all over her body. "Because you touched him. I remember Jared telling you no one is allowed to touch you." He hovered over her looking deep into her eyes getting his point straight. "You are mine, Rosalie. Mine to touch mine to love, mine to hold and mine to fuck. No one can touch you as I do. If you don't get that through your thick skull I'll fuck it into you."
She took a deep breath and nodded. "Great, now get ready. I'll take you out for lunch." She nodded again staying quiet. He stole a kiss from her pecking her on the lips as she went to the bathroom. She started thinking how on earth did the business trip finish so fast. The only explanation was that there wasn't one. And he just stayed to look what would Rosalie do. See if she would ask for help or try and escape. But she wasn't stupid. After Luther came barging into the bathroom when she had stolen Jared's phone, she knew that there are a few hidden cameras in each room. She wouldn't risk getting caught trying to escape.

But getting taken to lunch might be her chance of escape.

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| Word Count: 1793 |

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