Chapter 6

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His tall figure looked even scarier in the dark. That son of a bitch was even scary in daylight. His strong features were hardly visible in the dark.

She let her head down knowing she messed up her chance of escape. She let go of the door handle and sat down on the cold wooden floor, placing her hands in her lap. She fidgeted with her fingers not looking up at him.

She was more than scared to meet his intense gaze. He wasted no time in picking the girl up and carrying he back to the bed. "You know I thought you'd be a good girl and listen."
He moved away going to one of his drawers. A middle-sized box was in his hand and he laid it down on top of his desk. The papers scattered all over the desk made it look messy. She could tell he was some sort of businessman.

She looked back at him. The moonlight that shone through the window wasn't enough to let her see what he was holding. "But a naughty girl like you needs to learn her lesson."

'What was with men and a girl being naughty.'

He grabbed both her hands and then she saw what was in his hand. Another bloody handcuff.

She tried moving out of his grip, but by the time she realized what was happening it was too late. She was cuffed to the bed and he seemed to like that idea. He didn't even try hiding his huge grin.

She scoffed and looked to the other side. Before she knew it, he hovered over her catching the girl off guard. "What are you doing? Get off!"
She wiggled her body hoping to get some sort of reaction but nothing.
His warm fingers traced down her neck to her shoulder. Now a pair of grey eyes were staring into her green ones. She saw a sort of darkness in his eyes which scared her to no extent.

She was locked in a room with a stranger hovering over her. How was she not supposed to be afraid?

Rosalie let out a shaky breath. Maybe if he doesn't get any reaction he'll give up. But that really didn't seem the case.

His other hand reached down and rested on her knee as it slowly made its way up. His warm breath was hitting against her neck sending shivers up her spine.

It didn't take long for him to push his lips onto her neck making Rosalie gasp. His hands roamed over her body like it was looking for something. He was biting harshly on the skin making blood rush into it, leaving visible purple marks.

She tried moving her hands once again but nothing. Only deeper wounds. She felt like her words gave up on her cause nothing came past her lips, only quiet whimpers, and pleas.

His hand was now dangerously up her thigh. His other hand on her waist firmly held her down. His lips trailed warm kisses all the way down to her cleavage. Every now and then his tongue brushed against her soft skin as he kissed her causing butterflies to erupt in her abdomen.

He reached under her skirt holding her butt, and squeezing it earning yelp this time. He bit down on her skin making her let out a moan. Luther smirked against her skin realizing he had found her sweet spot. He kept kissing and nibbling that place making it hard for Rosalie to react less. She arched her back into him as he sucked on the skin. She was cursing herself for reacting this way but it was all still very new to her.
He started unzipping her dress and pulled it down her torso. His eyes wandered over every inch of Rosalie making her self-conscious.

"Please s-stop." That was all she whispered hoping it would stop him. He looked up at a frightened girl. His lust-filled eyes looked into hers and she was now staring at him with pleading ones. " You know this should be your punishment right?" She slowly nodded. " But I'm scared. Please don't do this." Rosalie didn't want a man like him taking away her innocence, and so she lost her confidence and kept pleading for him to stop. She couldn't imagine how her brother would react and what her parents would think of her. She pressed her lips in a thin line a tear dropping from the corner of her eyes as she waited for Luther's final answer. "Since your not willing to give yourself to me, I'll wait. But you should know I'm a very impatient man Rosie. So hurry up."
She nodded and let out a shaky breath as he lifted his weight off of her. The distance between them now made her a bit more comfortable, but still being in the same bed as he made her feel scared. She stopped her hands from trembling as Luther undid the cuffs. She pulled her bruised hands to her chest and shut her eyes, stifling her cries. That night she realized the turn of events her life took won't lead to any good. All she could do now was behave to stay away from punishments, and plan her escape.

Luther laid down beside her and wrapped his arm around her once again. Her breathing became shaky and she scrunched her eyes up wanting to get rid of his touch. How could he sleep like this? He behaved like this was totally normal. But for her it wasn't. She wanted his hands off of her body and him as far away as he can get. She hoped her brother would come for her and that the police were already searching for her. She needed to escape before this monster next to her, loses her temper and takes her against her will. If that would happen, it would take her a long time to pick herself up, and being locked in a place like this wouldn't help her. She shut her eyes and wished she'll be free soon.

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              | Word Count: 1027 |

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