Shes a princess?!

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  We all stood in shock staring at Ephilli. She was sitting elegantly at a table dressed in beautiful pearls and a big ball gown. This was nothing like the poor dirty Ephilli we seen before. I turned my head at the sound of sniffling. Erish had drops of tears running down her face. She rubbed her eyes and said " h-how could you trick us like that; I thought you were our friend."

   Ephilli responded with a huge laugh. "Friend? How  could I be friends with you losers." Next Ikore asked the question "why were you even in the cages in the first place if you are royalty?" Ephilli reached out in front of her and grabbed a bell. She shook it side to side but no noise came out of it. Bang! The door swung wide open behind us. Three guards entered the room yelling "you rang princess."

  Ephilli then told the guards to bring the intruders to the king. The guards grabbed us with big arms and started to walk out the door. We all began to struggle by kicking and wiggling our arms. The guard that was holding me suddenly screamed and dropped me on the floor. I looked across the room and saw Ephilli with a ball of fire in her hand slowly getting smaller.

  She looked at me and yelled for me to run. I began to sprint in the hallways back to the place we came from. I slowly walked inside the cellar from earlier that the guard left open. Then I crawled past the cells and exited the tunnel quickly. I arrived at the marketplace and started looking frantically for a hiding spot to write to Luciden and alert him what happened.




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