Taking Shelter

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   All of us froze up at the constant questioning coming out of her mouth especially since she looked like a higher social status. That's when Erish said "e-excuse me but are you the princess." The girl with the pink dress looked at us and giggled saying "now why would I be that stuck up girl and plus my carriage is way smaller than hers." I looked over  at the carriage and her carriage was pretty big. I wonder how big the princesses carriage is?

  "Is there anywhere you would like me to take y'all" we couldn't stay in the kingdom since we're not friends with the princess. We thanked her for her kind offer of a ride and then started to walk the opposite direction. Walking down exploring around more we found a tavern. The vibes were different here, loud music could be heard outside of the door. There was also people stumbling outside with red flushed faces.

   Our stomachs grumbled in unison at the smell of food.That when we noticed a tavern sever head out the side door. His hands were filled with trash bags and left over vegetables. He emptied the trash inside of a big ditch which might be the dumpster. Then he walked towards a place in the ground with a huge lock on it. It must be a cellar by the way it was hidden on the side. He used a big metal key and entered the cellar with the bag of leftover vegetables.

  Ephilli turned and eyed  at all of us and I knew whatever she was going to say is going to be trouble. She smiled and said "well how else are we going to eat" Ephilli started to run towards the half open cellar. "Ephilli!" Ikore shouted and ran after her. The cellar was very dark in the entrance and it was filled with  cold air. How were we ever going to see where she went. That's when a light started to fill the dark room. It was Erish with a ball of magical light emanating out of her hand. I was surprised because this was the first time I've seen one of them using there powers.



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