Sketchy Deals

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The man smiled at us and led the way through a darker part of the forest. We ended up in front of a dark shack with rotting wood. Is he sure that were in the right place? The man knocked on the door in a secretive code and then the door creaked open. In front of us stood a tall handsome elf man looking no more than 30 years old.

"So your back I suppose, and with new people I see" Luciden said in a deep voice. The man told him that it was not him that wanted to see Luciden and it was us. That's when Luciden bent down to a children's level and asked the question "so what are you kids doing outside and not in the kingdom school." It was pretty obvious we were slaves by how torn our clothes were and how bruised our wrists were.

I don't know if he said that to make us feel better or if he was genuinely confused. Ikore opened his mouth and said how do we get the markings. Luciden held up 3 fingers and said 3 gold each. I don't know this worlds currency so I looked at Ikore who was looking at all of us in a panicked face. "How are we going to afford that we are just poor children" Ikore voice raised higher this time.

Luciden smiled and then said no money means no markings. That's when I decided to speak up looking into his eyes and said " there must be something different you want in exchange for markings that have a low percentage of working." Luciden started to get invested into the conversation and said "so you're calling my business a sham?" That's when Ephilli the loudmouth opened her mouth and said "let's go guys we have a better chance the markings ourself than going to this huge phony" she crossed her arms and then left out the shack first.

Luciden yelled stop at us when we started to head towards the door. He looked for a second and said well there is something you guys can do for me. That's when Erish the shy little girl always beside Ikore said "w-what would you want us to do." Luciden smiled more widely and said infiltrate and spy on the kingdom. All of us including the man who got tricked with the markings too looked very surprised at Lucien's request.

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