A message popped up on my phone and Dr.Zuwaira who came all the way from Abuja to attend my wedding passed it to me. It's a message from Him, My New Husband.

   Alhamdulillah It's official Mrs.Umar Farouq. We'll be on our way shortly.

   I didn't realize that I was crying until the artist talked. "Madam please don't cry you'll spoil the make up fah" she said and I nodded my head while Dr.Zuwaira kept comforting me, she knows what I had gone through so she's not teasing me like the rest of them. I didn't know this is how it feels like to be a Bride, the feeling is unexplainable, it's amazing, I just love it and I have a feeling this is something I'll never regret.

   "The Groom and his friends are here you guys should hurry up for the photos" A lady came in and informed us. "Okay we are done!" She said and everyone started saying masha Allah.

    "Let's go and snap the pictures now" Jamila my roommate said getting impatient. "Wait first"I said breathing in and out, I'm feeling shy all of a sudden. "Let's go fah" She laughed and helped me up.

   They covered my face with the white veil and we left for the compound where they are waiting for us.  "Amaryar mu" I heard an unfamiliar voice, she put my veil atop my head revealing my face to everyone. "Masha Allah, you look beautiful" she chuckled and I whispered a thank you.

    Farouq came close to me and held my hand, all this while my head was duck down while they kept teasing me. "Amarya ta" he whispered. "Look at me please" he said and I didn't realize when I looked up and our eyes met, all I can say is Alhamdulillah, his eyes carries alot of emotions and I've never seen him this happy and fulfilled, he was grinning from ear to ear. "Okay enough with the staring you'll have more than enough time for that later" Jamila said making all of them to laugh.

      We snapped some pictures together with his hands still entangled to mine. "I love your henna" he said and I whispered a thank you which I believe he didn't hear. We took pictures with Aunty Ainau, Aunty Khadija, and My Baby girl, she looked beautiful in her Skirt and blouse Ankara that I sewed for her. They left few minutes later not after he whispered to my ears that he'll be back after Asr to take me with him.

Alhaji Ibrahim's Household

    "My Daughter your home is blessed insha Allah. May Allah bless your home and give you righteous kids, please take care of my Grandson okay" Farouq's Grandma said to me and gave me a quick warm hug, I nodded my head and whispered insha Allah my head under my veil. I'm in Farouq's parent's home, and I'm surrounded by elders and young girls each offering their own words of advice. Traditionally, a bride is first taking to her In-laws place before her matrimonial home. Farouq already planned that we'll spend the night in his parents house, and fly to Lagos for our Honeymoon the next day.

   I'm soo tired and exhausted, haven't had a good sleep for the past few days which has resulted in a splitting headache. I wish I can silently walk out of this place and have a good sleep, but that's not possible, why?, because I'm the Bride and even a cough from me will attract people's attention. My Baby girl didn't bother  when I was going cause she's used to seeing me travel and she's living happily with Aunty Ainau and her children. Farouq said he wants her to live with us, I was hesitant about the idea at first but I realized it'll give my Daughter a brighter future and we'll get to share a special bond and become closer. She's just in Nursery 2 Which is not good for a girl of 6year old. I agreed with him but decided we'll do that after a year or 6months of marriage.

    People started leaving for their houses and few minutes later it was just Farouq's immediate family, two of my maternal aunties left in the large sitting room. Farouq's elder sister took my Aunties to the guest room they'll stay while suhaila, their last born escorted me to my room just like her Sister ordered.
    "Can you please spend the night with me?" I asked Suhaila, "No fah, Ya Farouq will soon be here, he has been calling me since to ask if you're in your room" she smiled sheepishly. "Okay" I said and she bid me goodbye and left the room. I adjusted my veil and sat on one of the sofas in the room. The room is painted all white with an Ash color window cotton, the furnitures are white too, the middle sized carpet beside the bed is ash. There is a frame with Omar writing boldly on it on the wall beside the bed. With the look of things the room belongs to Farouq.

Loving The Broken✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن