twenty-six: chaos

Start from the beginning

Inari nodded, "You lost quite an amount of blood but your twin naturally has the same blood type as you so you were given a transfusion."

Kiyoko rolled up his sleeve and flexed muscle and his bandage with a proud grin, "We both have O Negative and I even gave an extra amount for those in need!" The doctor smiled a bit, "And we appreciate your thoughtful donation

"Are you in any pain?" She asked as she listened to her heart and checked her ears and eyes, "No."

"Are your legs and arms feeling a bit sore?"


"Do you feel any signs of dizziness and fatigue?"

"Uh, no."

The doctor rolled her eyes and began to talk while sighing, "Alright, I'll come to check on you in a few hours. Uh, you two." She snapped her fingers at three boys, "Make sure that Lady Inari has plenty of liquids. Thanks." She walked out of the room and Kiyoko slumped in his seat, "I should fill you in on what you missed."

Hayase and Kiyoko went on to explain the fights and the winners, they told her about Neji and Hinata's fight and how Neji almost killed Hinata and how Naruto made it to the Third Exam after farting in Kiba's face and how Ino and Sakura lost a fight to each other while Hoshi just nodded along
despite forgetting everyone else's fights.

Inari shook her head, "Wait, what? Neji almost killed Hinata? Is she okay?" She shot up from her bed, Kiyoko nodded, "She's in the same hospital as us but she's doing better now."

Her pupils shrank as she got out of her bed and grabbed the IV pole that was putting fluids into her arm and was about to open the door before Hoshi stopped her, "Inari's wait. You supposed to be in bed." He had his hand on her shoulder and turned her over to look at him, Inari's head was down and she slowly looked up.

Her eyes more redder than before, she gave him a evil glare and removed his hand from her shoulder, "I will kill you." Inari's voice was cold and deep, "If you don't let go."

Kiyoko appeared behind Hayase and smiled nervously, "That's a great idea. Let's go find Hinata's room." He laughed awkwardly, a small snake wrapped itself around Hayase's arm, the purple eyed sweat dropped and lowered his hand and the snake made its way back up Inari's arm.

She opened the door and stormed her way over to Hinata's room, barefoot and all.

The boys followed behind her speed-walking, "Her room is 248 by the way." Kiyoko squeaked as Inari basically kicked the door down.

Instead of seeing Hinata it was a random man laying their lifeless surrounded by his crying wife and children, they all turned to look with teary eyes. Inari stood there awkwardly until her brother came to the rescue, he chuckled awkwardly and while slowly closing the door he said, "Very sorry for your loss, have a good day!"

Moments passed and they were back in Inari's room eating, "We should ditch this place. Inari you seem pretty healed now." Hayase said while slurping his noodles, Inari nodded and ripped the tubes from her arms and got up and made the bed, "Yeah, let's go."

She began to climb up the table between the two boys and opened the window and observed the view down, "Not that high up." Kiyoko set the food down on the floor and wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, "It was getting crowded in here anyways." He agreed while standing up, Inari slipped through the window and landed on the ground.

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