nineteen: nothing but the truth

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───


The boy with purple hair asked the young red eyed girl while staring into the purple-pink sky. The sun slowly started to shine and the suns rays kissed their faces.

She thought for a moment, "No. But if there's anyone close to a god it would be our Lord, Orochimaru, of course." Her lips curved upwards into a small smile and she looked at him, he frowned and looked at her, "You shouldn't worship him like you do."

Her red eyes drifted towards the ground, "He taught me everything I know today . I am eternally grateful for him, he gave me a home when no one else could. I-"

He interrupted her with a small scoff, "You actually believe that? He didn't take you in- he stole you. From your home, your family, your friends. He took you when you were just a girl and then just threw you away like a piece of trash. If he really did care for you, wouldn't he have come looking for you by now?"

Inari shook her head in disbelief, "You're just speaking nonsense! What has gotten into you?" She reached her hand out to place on his shoulder but he swatted it away, "The truth! It's the truth that's got into me! No! The truth has always been there! You are so naive! But I'm telling you...wake up!"

He shouted at her, he'd never raised his voice before like that, Inari moved her hand back- with her eyes widened.

He realized what he'd just done and started to calm down, "He's not the perfect God you imagine him to be." He stood up and walked off. Inari turned around to watch him walk away, she got up in a flash and was in front of him now.

"When you told me you were going to die-" he stopped walking and made direct eye contact with her, "why did you tell me that?" She held his hand and put it on top of her head, he titled his head and smiled whilst ruffling her already messy black hair.

"Would you kill me for Lord Orochimaru?" He asked, still while smiling. The small girl smiled back at him, "Without hesitation."

He laughed a bit and closed his eyes as if he was content, "That's great, Inari."

She blinked, "Inari?" The girl smiled a bit, but confused, "I don't know who that is."

Blinked again.

Something warm was on her face, she touched it and looked at her fingers.


She felt a light breeze and looked over the cliff. A small body, laying at the bottom. The same red spilling from its head.

Tilting her head and she squinted her eyes. Not knowing who that was.

But then everything stopped.

A presence behind her sent chills running down her back, Orochimaru was standing behind her with a smile, "He never existed. You don't know him."

Inari didn't respond, Orochimaru tilted his head and held his hand out for her, she accepted it and smiled.

She doesn't know that boy, he's just a mere thought.

As they walked off she turned her head around, "It's best not to look back." He said plainly as he glanced at her.

Inari was confused, he didn't seem bothered. But she didn't question it. She can't question it.

Walking away, she held her hand close to her chest and watched the still wet blood drip from her hand onto the ground, leaving a trail so the boy wouldn't would find her.

And she blinked again.

Present day, Inari was walking beside her brother in Amaterasu's garden. A small little girl, named Hana walked behind them throwing seeds into the empty patches of dirt.

"Boy... that last mission sure has me beat." He let out a large sigh and threw his hands over his head, Inari smacked his arm and scowled at him, "Don't make me jealous. Kiyomi-sensei still won't let me return." Her red eyes glared at him to intimidate him. Kiyoko rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue as he put his arms down.

Kiyoko let a laugh, "Inari, it's been a few days. You know you'll return, right?" He turned to her, she nodded and smiled a bit, "You're right."

Inari stopped to look at the red roses, her hand steadily caressed the thorns and one pricked her. A small drop of blood dripped from the pointer of her index finger, her crimson eyes stared at the blood, until she rubbed her two fingers together and the blood smeared slightly across the tips. "Do you remember what father was like? Everyone doesn't talk about him enough." She turned over to look at Kiyoko, he thought for a bit.

Their father died when they both were young but only Inari wasn't there. "Well... he was my role model." Kiyoko's cheeks started to heat up and he rubbed the back of his head with his hand, "I remember him being... quiet, he didn't really talk he just- touched. When you were kidnapped is when he got sick, come to think of it, maybe Orochimaru had something to do with it." His eyes glued to the floor and then he laughed tearfully, "I don't even remember what his sickness was! But then he was gone. But he passed away when we were five and my memories of him are small, but I miss him. Everyday."

Inari's facial expressions saddened, maybe if she wasn't kidnapped he wouldn't have gotten sick. If she wasn't gone she could've been there for her brother when he was all alone. Guilt was all she felt, guilt knowing that she had something to do with this.

Her hand latched onto his wrist and fell into his hand, she looked at him with sadness, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, when you really needed it. I'm your sister and I should've been there to comfort you, I'm sorry Kiyoko." She said softly, he smiled and hugged her, "Don't leave me again." He whispered and hugged her even tighter.

Inari hugged him back and closed her eyes,

"I promise, never again."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ❀ n. hyugaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum