twenty-one: all on paper

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───


Hoshi breathed out as the man appeared, Inari harshly elbowed him, "Quiet." She narrowed her as at him, he, in response rolled his eyebrows and pretending to zip his lips shut.

The instructor introduced himself, "First off, you candidates!" He pointed his finger at the direction of the ninja who attacked Kabuto, "Candidates from the Village Hidden In the Sound, knock it off! Who told you, you could just fight? You wanna be failed before we've begun?" He asked sternly.

"Sorry. It's our first time, guess we're a little jumpy, sir." One answered, the instructor scoffed at their sorry excuse before he continued to talk, "I'll say this only once, so listen up. There will be no combat between candidates, no attacking each other without the permission of your proctor! And even then... the use of fatal force is strictly prohibited." He stated and narrowed his eyes, "Anyone who thinks of messing with me will get disqualified immediately. Got it?"

Inari watched with the other candidates. "Now, if we're ready, we'll proceed to the first stage of the Chunin Exam," when he said that Hayase perked up a bit, "Handover your paperwork, and in return you'll be given a number." He said and held up a number card.

"This number determines where you'll sit, we'll start the written test once you're all seated." He finally finished.

"T-The what?" Naruto asked, "Did he say... written? Not a written test! No way!" He stood there, defeated. Inari glanced at him and sighed, she's pretty sure she warned him about it and told him to study but of course—he didn't listen.


Inari sat there, patiently between two ransoms. She saw Hayase sitting a few seats ahead of her, they glanced at each other for a moment and Inari rested her cheek on her hand and rapidly tapped her foot.

She glanced at the two boys sitting between her, sadly, she didn't know any of them. The only thing she hoped is that the written test is the same thing every time and that they retook them Exams before.

"Do you need something?" The boy sitting to her right asked, she looked at him again, his eyes didn't leave the chalkboard but he got a glance of her, "Nope." She said, "Hey, you're the girl who said you'll kick everyone's butts right?" He looked at her again, Inari didn't answer but he smirked, "I admire your confidence but no one enjoyed it. It was cute."

Before Inari could respond, Ibiki slammed a piece of chalk against the chalkboard, "Everyones eyes up front." Inari turned her attention to the board,   "There are a few rules you need to be aware of, and I don't answer any questions. So you all better pay attention the first time around," he stated as he began writing on the board. "All right. Question number one is this: The Written part of the Exam is conducted on a point reduction system, you all start with a perfect score of ten points. One point will be deducted for each answer you get wrong."    

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ❀ n. hyugaWhere stories live. Discover now