thirteen: the rise of team six

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───


The shy Hyuga whispered into the sleepy Akashi's ear, "I hope not." Inari remarked, half asleep with her face resting on her arms. She turned to Hinata who looked at her with a sad face, Inari then realized Hinata thought she was serious, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." She reassured her with an awkward smile.

Hinata sighed in relief and gave her a soft smile, "You are really bad at jokes." She said before their heads turned to Iruka-sensei who just started to speak.

A month had past since the argument Inari had gotten into with Kiyoko and Amaya. For some reason, Amaya had been avoiding Inari the past month and Inari didn't know why. She asked Kiyoko why Amaya was acting so distant but even he didn't know why.

"You'll all be split into a three-man team. Who you end up with will depend mostly on how you scored on the test you were given a few days ago. It will be based on your skill and efforts and how smoothly you would run with your teammates." He said, Inari glanced over at a certain whiskered boy who could barely sit still in his desk, "Are you excited Naruto?" Inari asked in a whisper. He turned back to her and nodded, "I wonder who I'll be in a team with. Hopefully it'll be you and Sakura!" He whispered back while smiling widely.

"Can you both shut up?" The Uchiha asked, clearly annoyed, Inari blinked slowly, "Of course, Sasuke." She blinked again, she sluggishly moved her head back up to listen for the team parings.

Iruka-sensei held a paper in front of him as he skimmed through the words and smiled, "Alright our first team... is Team 6...consisting of Inari Akashi, Hayase Kiyomizu... and Hoshi Cho."

Inari let out a exasperated sigh, this is probably her nightmare came to life. Out of everyone in this classroom, the only person she wouldn't want to be with is Hoshi Cho.

"I am cursed. Definitely cursed." She whispered to herself, she turned her head in the direction of Hoshi, he looked at her with a smug smirk, winked and waved. Even though she's twelve years old now, the hate Inari has for Hoshi hasn't changed at all. Every chance he got to tease her, he did. When she apologized

"Team 7- Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno," Inari noticed Naruto jump up in triumph as Sakura kept her head down low in shame, "and Sasuke Uchiha." Then Sakura shot up with glee and Naruto did the opposite.

"Hey! Why do I have to be on a team with Sasuke?" The two boys glared daggers at each other, Iruka sighed deeply and closed his eyes, "You two were placed together because you, Naruto had scored the lowest in grades where Sasuke has the best in this class."

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ❀ n. hyugaWhere stories live. Discover now