fifteen: captain save-a-boy

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Inari sat by herself in the dining room eating her breakfast. Today was one of those days where Kiyomi felt nice and didn't have them report to her at four in the morning for training. But today was a mission day; and Kiyomi them that apart of training today was to eat a good breakfast. 

As Inari played with her scrambled eggs, thinking about what Amaya said. She squinted her eyes, how was she selfish? How does she make it about herself? If anything, Amaya should've known what she was going through. It was Amaya who talk behind her back, but somehow--its Inari's fault.

Maybe that's the cost of being the Pure Daughter--everything is her fault. A few days ago, Inari talked to the Third about the article, he tried to reassure her and tell her that he would handle it. But Inari knew not much could be done--if she didn't do anything. 

She was debating in her head on who she would rather kill: Amaya or the person who wrote the article. Inari would rather it be both, but she knew she can't do anything she wants. A small smile formed on her lips, she looked up and nodded her head, she is going to kill the article guy. 

The door opened and she went back to eating, "Where is your brother?" Hanami's voice asked, Inari turned to look at her, "He left with his team earlier." 

Hanami sat next to her, Inari avoided eye contact and looked at her food, "Do you have a mission today?" Hanami asked, with a soft smile. Inari nodded slowly, "It's a B-ranked mission. I'll be gone for a few days." She said as she finished her food. Her mother nodded and placed her hand on top of Inari's, she froze and her eyes shifted to look at her. 

A sweet smile was on Hanami's face, "Be safe, Inari." She said as she held her hand tightly, Inari nodded, "O-Okay." She spoke as she watched Hanami turn around, Hanami revealed a cargo bag filled with all kinds of stuff, and handed it to Inari. 

Inari was a bit taken aback by how heavy the bag was, and Hanami's gesture. But Inari couldn't help but smile, maybe Hanami was getting better and she can finally be a good mother again. "Thank you, mother." They both stood up and Hanami  bent down to her level and kissed Inari's cheek then she hugged her. 

"Don't die, Inari." 

Inari walked out of the gate and there was Hayase and Hoshi waiting for her, "You didn't have to wait for me." She told them as she put on her backpack, Hoshi laughed when he saw her with the backpack, "Jeez Inari what did you pack in there? That bag is almost as big as you." He tilted his head with a with a slightly confused face. 

Rolling her eyes and frowning, she glared at him while saying, "Shut up Hoshi." Hayase couldn't help but laugh, Inari looked at him with the expression 'come on, not you too'. "Inari that bag looks like it's swallowing you whole." He told her with a smile, Inari scoffed and glared at them with her Sekigan activated, the boys both gulped and took a step back. She blinked and smiled before she hit them both upside the head, "We should probably go. Kiyomi-sensei doesn't like it when we're late...right?" 

They cleared their throats and nodded, "Yep...yep..." Hoshi mumbled and Inari disappeared in a flash and they saw her hop from building to building to reach Kiyomi in time and they quickly followed behind her.

As they hopped on top of roofs, Inari would close her eyes as she was in the air. It felt peaceful, the way the wind blew in her face-- for that very second while she leapt in the air she would just imagine the silence and the darkness and then she would smile.

Team six arrived in front of the Hokage's office, there was Kiyomi waiting for them with a small bag on her back, "You made it on time!" She said with a wide smile. It was about six in the morning but Kiyomi seemed so energized, "Are you ready to hear about your flamboyant mission?" Her smile eerily grew even wider, waiting for their responses. But all she got was low mumbles from them. 

"How dangerous will the mission be?" Inari asked, Kiyomi paused before she opened the door, "Just a bit dangerous."

They walked into the Third Hokage's office and they all bowed at a 90 degree angle to greet him.

He blew out smoke from his mouth and leaned back against his chair, "This Daisuke Amano. As you may know--he wandered far away from home and needs to get back as soon as possible. Your mission is to return this young boy back without  a scratch on him...per his parents request, meaning you'll have to defend him with your life."

Inari's eyes moved towards the boy. He had a tall and slender build, he was wearing a casual yet formal plain light blue kimono with wooden sandals. His black hair cut just at his jawline, his hair was very neat and had no split ends. He had a bored and quite annoyed look on his face, once his brown eyes met with Inari's he quickly looked away.

By just looking at him, Inari knew that he was a spoiled, rude, arrogant brat. No words needed to be said for Inari to make up her mind about him, just by his stance and his stare she knew all she needed to know.

A big smile appeared on Kiyomi's face and she walked over to Daisuke and bowed, "It's very nice to meet you Daisuke!" She said in a moderately loud voice. Daisuke then looked the woman up and down and scoffed, "Could you be any louder? Your voice is very annoying." He commented while rolling his eyes.

Kiyomi blinked and then forced a wide awkward smile, "My apologies." She forced a small and rubbed the back of her head while thinking, "Say that again and I may snap your neck."

The third cleared his throat to get their attention,"Anywho... you'll have to return him to Yukichi without a scratch on him--again, like his parents requested. Be warned, his high profile does put a target on his back and on yours, so stay vigilant at all times." He removed the pipe from his mouth and gave them all a look with raised eyebrows, "Are you up for the task?"

The four bowed and said, "Yes!"

A smile tugged at the Hokages mouth and he closed his eyes and nodded in approval.

Inari glanced at Daisuke and sighed, before she muttered under her breath,

"This better run smoothly."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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