"Okay" Jisoo smiled before getting out of her car and going to open the car door for Jennie

Jennie gave her one last peck and a hug before she went inside their house.


Jennie entered their house with a big smile on her face.

"I guess the date went well" Jennie heard her cousin who is sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Rosie! How's your date with, Lisa?" Jennie asked as she walk over to Rosé and sat beside her

It made Rosé blush just by hearing Lisa's name and Jennie noticed it but she just smiled at her cousin waiting for her to speak.

"It went well. We will go on a date next weekend again" Rosé smiled

"I'm happy for you, Rosie!" She patted the top of Rosé's head

Rosé chuckled "Thank you. So.... how's your date with Jisoo?"

Jennie leaned her back on the couch.
"We had an aquarium date"

"Really? So how was it?"

"I really enjoyed her company, even though she spent her time mostly watching me" Jennie let out a chuckle

"Watching you?"

"Watching me while I'm watching the sharks and penguins"

"Wow, she must really like you. She preferred watching you instead of enjoying the aquarium"

Jennie chuckled. "I almost melt because she just keeps on staring at me"

"Hmmm. I want to go there too. Maybe I could ask Lisa to take me there" Rosé grinned

"Yeah, you should. It's beautiful there and penguins are so cute."

"I want to see penguins too!"

Jennie just chuckled.

But then, Rosé noticed the change in Jennie's expression.

"Is there something wrong, Jen?"

"I'm worried about Jisoo"

"Why?" Rosé asked curiously

"While we are making out ins-"

"You what?!"

"Making out?" Jennie raised her eyebrows

Jennie rolled her eyes. "We already kiss each other for how many times, Rosie"

"Only kiss?"

Jennie chuckled. "Yes, Rosie. Do you expect more?"

"Well, knowing you...I thought..."

"Rosie I've changed. Jisoo is different. I like her. I should be careful with my actions to not scare her. Jisoo has never been in a relationship before."

"You are right. You should really take care of her. I think she's one of a kind"

Jennie smiled. "She is"

"Anyway, what were you saying?" Rosé asked

"Her Dad called her when we were inside her car"


"We lost track of time and for sure her Dad will scold her for going home late and he might not let Jisoo go out again"

"Just call Jisoo and ask if her Dad scold her."

Jennie let out a sigh. "Okay. I'll go to my room now. Good night, Rosie"

"Okay. Good night, Jen"

They both stood up and went to their bedrooms.


Jennie lay on her bed and she grabbed her phone to text Jisoo.

Hey babe! Did you get home safely?
Did your Dad scold you?
I miss you 🥺
I'll wait for your call.


Jisoo finally arrived home. She doesn't know why but she's feeling nervous. She just brushed it off and went inside their house.

When Jisoo entered their house, she saw her Dad sitting on the couch and it looks like he's waiting for something.

"Jisoo" Her Dad called without looking up

It turns out, he's waiting for Jisoo.

Jisoo gulped before she walked towards her Dad hesitantly.


He finally looked up to Jisoo.
"Where have you been?"

Jisoo was confused because she already told him earlier that she'll go out with Lisa.

"I just went to the mall...with Lisa. I already told you earlier, right?"


There was something in his voice, that Jisoo couldn't figure out.

"Yeah, Lisa. That's why she went here earlier."

Her Dad just stayed silent and looked at a brown envelope on the desk in front of him.

"Can I go to my room now, Dad?"
She just wants to lay on her bed and call Jennie.

But her Dad didn't respond to her, he grabbed the brown envelope from the desk and handed it to Jisoo.

Jisoo frowned but she still took the envelope. "What is this?" She asked

Her Dad didn't answer but he is looking at her daughter with his straight face.

Jisoo gulped and slowly opened the envelope.

Jisoo's eyes widened when she saw what's inside the envelope.

She tried her best to compose herself and not to let her Dad see that she's nervous.

Jisoo slowly looks at her Dad.
"W-what... what is this?"

"What do you mean? It's you and...Jennie Kim, right?"


(I'm sorry for the late update. There was no signal for almost 2 days but here's the double update again 😁✌️)

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