Ch. 63: Halftime (Brett/Gordon/Kendra/Scout)

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I rushed down to the ground floor of the stadium just in time to see the Texans' players walk-off the field. They all looked exhausted and almost worn out after playing a tough first half. Some of them showed signs of bleeding while others were bruised up in the face.

I then glanced at Gordon walking into the tunnel.

"Gordon," I shout.

He turned and saw me as I motioned for him to come over. He quietly walked towards me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I need to talk to you." I grab him and pulled him away from the tunnel towards another part of the arena. Once we were free in a spot where no one spotted us, I stopped and turned to him. "I got to tell you something."

"Better make it quick. I got to get back to the locker room."

"You know about the Cowboys' situation with bounties?"

"Yeah, but what's that got to do with now?"

"It's true."

Gordon's eyes widened at the sight. "Really?"

"Yes, the executives exchanged cash right in front of me just moments ago. Apparently, they had a bounty on Troy, which is why he got hurt out. They got one on you too. I'm scared for you, okay?"

Gordon was shocked and I could feel he got hit by a shocking revelation that he was the next target. But then, I saw him walk back to the tunnel.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get ready for the second half," he replied.

"But Gordon, I"

"Listen, I appreciate your concerns. But, don't worry about me. I went through a lot of hell over the past decade. Nothing Dallas gives me will hurt me more than what I lost and found. I promise you I will be okay."

He cupped a hand to my face as I felt my heart beating. I knew Gordon was right. I had seen him get hit time and time again and he always got up. Now, it was time for him to shine again.

"Go kick some Cowboy ass for me, will you?" I asked.

"I gotcha babe," he replied. Then we kissed on the lips for a few moments. I wanted to keep hold of him, but knew he had to go. Once he walked off, I knew he was going to be okay. With some relief, I went back up to the suite hoping to catch the end of the halftime show.


I walked right out and was making my way to the Cowboys' suite. But, Luke made things easier when he stepped out the door. He turned to me and smiled.

"Hey babe," he shouted.

But instead of replying with "hey babe," I charged up to him and slapped his face.

"You son of a bitch," I said.

"Ouch! What the hell was that for?" Luke asked.

"What the hell was that with Troy?"

"Listen, it was a bad hit and he will be disciplined with."

"Really? Have you disciplined any of your other players for hits down low? Or are you just saving yourself time to have your moment of glory?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Who were you talking to just now? Who's this Sam guy?"

"Sam's an assistant of mine. He's helping me with things."

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