Ch. 32: Hot Seat (Brett)

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My heart hurt for our team. We had fought our asses off to get within a score. To come back from where we fell to within one bad pass of a Super Bowl was just hard to take. I couldn't even watch the guys showing their emotions and tears on the field. As the sea of red and gold confetti came down on the field, there was so much emptiness inside of me at that moment.

Crying was just an overwhelming thing. I saw a couple of our players walking off and I just had to hug them and kiss a few of them on the cheek for a great performance. Yet, I couldn't contain the tears inside me. We had gone on this magical ride to the playoffs and into the conference championship game and unfortunately, it was all for naught.

I didn't answer any questions to the media that night, but I did leave a statement about how proud I was for our team for the ride they gave the fans and that we vowed to be back again in this spot and get to the Super Bowl. It was all I could say because I didn't really know how to express my true feelings for the game and the loss.

Things did get better for me that night as we landed in Houston and were greeted by the fans at the airport. They told us how proud they were of us and were so excited for next season. I took a few pictures with the fans who told me to not let the loss dwell on me and I was so pleased by this. Last season, I was being booed for the lack of success. Now, I was being praised as a great general manager and being a hero.

I'll never forget a little girl who had a football and she was getting autographs from the players on it. As soon as she saw me, she called my name.

"Mrs. Mills," she said. "Mrs. Mills."

I turned to see her and smiled.

"Can I have your autograph?"

That touched me a lot because I never had been asked to sign autographs before. Usually, the players were the ones that signed autographs and not the general managers. But, since I saw her and she asked I went right over to her and smiled.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Mallory," she replied. "And I also want to say I plan on being a general manager of a sports team."

"Wow, I am very touched by that. I hope you do achieve that dream."

"Do you think so?"

"Absolutely." As I was signing her football, I left her a message.


Keep believing and keep dreaming. The NFL is a girls' world now and you can achieve your dreams if you work hard and be dedicated. Wish you nothing but the best.

Brett Mills

I handed the ball back to Mallory.

"Wow," she said. "Thanks Brett."

"You're welcome," I said.

After dealing with the fans, who congratulated us for a memorable season, I had to do some interviews with the media.

Reporter #1: Brett, what should people remember about this team?

Brett: Well, it's been an emotional roller coaster of a season. But I think they proved that they belonged in the big picture. Make no mistake, we're planning on being back next year and going all the way.

Reporter #2: Do you think Gordon will be the starting quarterback or will it be Todd?

Me: I don't make coaching decisions. That's Coach Robinson's job. I'll say this, I think the quarterback competition should be interesting for next season.

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