A walk

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Narrators pov

It was now 2am and Natasha was still awake, reading one of Wandas books, determined to stay awake. when Wanda started to shuffle a bit in bed. Natasha looked over to her, she seemed to be sweating and now worryingly turning in bed.
"No no no no not again" She started to mutter in her sleep. Natasha got out of her seat and was slightly leaning over Wanda at this point, looking at her anxiously.
"No no, stop it stop it i didnt do anything i promise please" She hurriedly muttered again.
"Wanda?" Said Natasha quietly, shaking her gently.
"Please stop please we didnt do anything!" Wanda was now almost yelling.
"Wanda!" Said Nat, shaking the girl trying to wake her up. Wanda then shot up from her bed, her eyes where full of utter fear. She was looking around scared, then looked at Natasha. She fell into her arms, sobbing into her neck.
"I didnt do it" She cried.
"Hey its ok, it was just a nightmare, your here with me and your safe." Confirmed the red head, sitting on the bed next to Wanda, who was still sobbing into her. Natasha was running her fingers through Wandas hair, occasionally giving her comforting words. Wanda had calmed down after a while. "Hey im gonna go get you some water, ok?" She said, getting up, but wanda grabbed her wrist.
"Dont leave." 
"Ok, come with me, we can sit in the kitchen for a bit" She said, putting her hand out to Wanda, who took it instantly. They slowly walked through the halls and into the kitchen, trying not to make much noise as most people where asleep. They reached the kitchen and it was abnormally cold.
"J.A.R.V.I.S, turn up the heat" Said Natasha.
"Ok, Miss.Romanoff." Obeyed Jarvis.
"Ok, you sit down here and ill get you some water." Said the redhead, Wanda just nodded her head and did as she was told. Natasha carefully got a glass out the cupboard and filled it with water, not wanting to wake anyone. "Here." She said, placing it in front of the girl before sitting next to her. Wanda took a small sip and put the glass down.
"Drink more than that, you are dehydrated."
"Im not thirsty."
"Do i look like i care? Drink it" Commanded the widow. Wanda sighed and drank about half the cup.
"Want to go back?"
"mhm" Said the brunette. Nat got up and again took Wandas hand, and they walked back to the medbay in silence. Wanda climbed back into bed and Natasha sat down on the chair.
"Can you come sit with me? just for a bit. Please?"
Natasha sat next to Wanda with her head against the wall, and Wanda rested on Nats chest. Natasha wasnt sure what to do, she didnt mind it, but wasnt really too good on the whole human affection kinda thing, but Nat found herself playing with Wandas hair again.
"Nat?" Said Wanda sleepily.
"Why are fishnet tights called fishnets? Can you catch fish in them?" She asked, her sokovian accent was very strong, just like it always was when she was tired.
"I dont know ive never tried personally" Giggled Natasha.
"Dont laugh its a very reasonable question!" She said tiredly.
"whatever you say" She said, trying not to laugh again.
They sat in silence for a while. Wandas eyes where starting to shut but she didnt want to fall asleep yet, she was enjoying Natashas company.
"Its alright, go to sleep" She comforted, running her fingers through Wandas hair. With those words, Wandas eyes shut and she fell asleep immediately, her breathing started to even out and her body relaxed. Natasha stayed up for a while, making sure Wanda was ok, but eventually fell asleep. When Natasha woke up, Wanda was next to her on the bed, so she got up and went downstairs.
"Hey Lena" she greeted, walking into the kitchen.
"Hey, hows Wanda?" She asked.
"Shes alright, hows Kate after last night? she looked terrified."
"Shes alright, we stayed up a while playing cards and she eventually fell asleep, i stayed up a few extra hours doing shit." The blonde explained.
They both made themselves something to eat, and sat in silence eating.
"Im going on a run, ill see you later" said Natasha, putting her dish in the sink, putting her shoes on and walking out with a wave goodbye at Yelena.
"Bye!" Said Yelena as Nat walked out the door.

Nat had been out for two hours now, Yelena wasnt too worried as her sister usually took a while on her walks. "Hey Wands" said Yelena as Wanda walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, wheres Nat?" She said looking around.
"Oh she went on a walk a couple of hours ago." Said Yelena, sitting on the sofa and scrolling through the TV channels.
"A couple hours ago? And she still hasnt come back?" Said Wanda walking over to the blonde.
"Uhh yeh, shes probably fine she usually takes ages on walks." Said Yelena, putting on 'Cruella'.
Wanda sat next to Yelena and they watched the movie together. Wanda wasnt really paying attention, every minute that passed added on more worry about Natasha. Surely she should be back by now? The movie finished and Wanda turned down the volume and said "im getting anxious Lena, its been over 4 hours, where is she?"
"im sure shes fine, but we can give her phone a ring." She said, picking up her phone and dialling Nats number. The phone rang, but Natasha never picked up. She always answers her phone. Where is she? thought Yelena.
"Ok maybe we should go look for her on the fields, maybe she got distracted or something?" Said Yelena getting off the sofa.
"Yeh, lets go."
They searched the fields and the forest outside the compound for over an hour, but there was no sight of Natasha. They walked back into the compound.
"Ok i know we are on iffy terms with him right now, but we really need to talk to Tony about this, or atleast Steve." Said Wands.
"Fine" sighed Yelena, following Wanda down to Tonys lab.
"Tony, we have an issue, Natashas missing." Said Wanda as she barged into his Lab.
"What do you want me to do about it?" He said, not looking up from his work.
"Oh come on Tony atleast act like you care. Shes been gone for over 5 hours and we have checked everywhere." Said Yelena.
"ok ok, ill do some shit to try find her, but leave me alone."
"Happily" Said Yelena, walking out with Wanda trailing behind her.

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