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A/N-this chapter has a lot more of just speech, so its a bit shorter than usual-

Kates pov
I woke up at about 7am, and my first thought was to see Yelena, but i decided it would be best to wait until i knew she was ok. So, i went to see the only other person i knew in the compound. I went to Wandas room and knocked on the door, but no one was there. I spent 30 minutes looking for her, but she wasnt inside. I went into the kitchen and saw that Thor was awake.
"Oh erm, excuse me?" I said, walking up to him.
"Ah Hello, Kate isnt it? I am Thor, son of Odin. How can i help you, little mortal?" He said in a booming voice.
"Oh uh have you seen Wanda? I cant find her." I said, awkwardly shuffling on my feet.
"Ah yes, you might find little witch girl at the droopy tree in the fields." He said, largely gesturing out the window and into the fields.
"Thank you." I said before scurrying out.

Narrators pov
Kate trudged across the fields for what felt like hours, before she came across a extravagantly big Willow tree. She strolled over to the long drooping leaves and pushed her way past them, and sat against the tree was a sleeping Wanda, opposite her brothers gravestone. Kate carefully approached Wanda and gave her a little nudge. "Wanda?"
Wanda immediately woke up and fluttered her eyes open. "Kate? What are you doing?" She said croakily.

Wandas pov
"Wanda what are you doing? Its 8am and your asleep in the freezing cold in the middle of nowhere." Said Kate, taking off her jacket and wrapping it around me. I must have fallen asleep, and i was so cold i was going numb.
"I was visiting my brother." I said, getting up of the floor.
"Oh, im sorry." She said, she almost looked guilty.
"Oh its ok, lets go inside." I said, eager to change the subject. We walked in silence for a while, we where walking slow so we didn't slip on the frosty grass. "What happened? With Pietro? If you dont mind me asking.." Said Kate, almost cautiously.
"Long story short, our parents died when we where 10, we where experimented on, joined the avengers, and Ultron killed him in the process of destroying our home city." I explained, i was not willing to go into any more detail. I hadnt noticed but tears where forming in my eyes recalling everything, i looked at Kate. "Oh dont cry im sorry i shouldnt of asked im sorry" She said, almost in a panic.
"Its ok, i dont mind." I said, looking back down.

Natasha's pov
"Steve have you seen her or not?" I yelled.
"Nat i already told you i have no idea where she is!" He replied
"Steve i swear to god-" I said, being cut off by the door opening, Wanda and the new girl walked in.
I ran up to Wanda and hugged her. I woke up and she was gone, i thought maybe hydra took her after failing with me. "Woah, hey Nat" She laughed. She was freezing cold, i had no idea where she had been or how long she had been there. "Where were you? you idiot your freezing." I questioned, taking her to sit down on the couch.
"I was looking for her this morning and found her asleep in the fields." Explained Kate while taking off her shoes. I did not trust this Bishop girl at all, so i looked over to Wanda, who nodded at me in approval. "Thanks for bringing her in, Bishop." I said. She smiled and nodded, then walked out in reply.
"How long where you out there?" I asked, getting a blanket from the couch opposite us.
"I dont know, an hour or two?" Wanda said, putting her legs up on the couch.
"Your an idiot, you know that right?" I laughed, wrapping the blanket around her. I sat down next to her and we sat in silence for a minute.
"Hows your cuts?" She said, slightly pointing at my face.
"Eh, its bearable, but my legs kill."
"Ok so, why are you out of bed wondering around?"
"Taking care of some witch girl"
She smiled at my comment and started to drift off to sleep.
"Wanda, come on, don't you want to wake up in your bed?" I said, attempting to keep her from falling asleep, but she was already zonked out.

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