morning walk

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Wandas POV

After a while of contemplating and over thinking, i clambered out of bed and got in the shower to re set my thoughts. I then threw on a tank top and joggers, i reached for Natasha's jacket, but chose something else to wear instead. I couldn't be bothered to dry or straighten my hair so i just let it be and trudged down the hallway and into the kitchen. Natasha, Yelena, Kate and Clint where all in there. Great. I started to walk over to the fridge and walked straight past Nat, avoiding eye contact. I took my iced coffee and went straight back to my room without saying a word. I was going to have to talk to her eventually. But luckily, that isn't right now.

Narrators POV

Clint sensed the tension between the two when Wanda walked in. He waited for her to leave and went up to Natasha. "What was that all about?"
"I don't know what you mean, Clint." Said Natasha, not stopping whatever she was doing to look at him.
"Come on don't play dumb, you and Wanda where like sleeping together yesterday, and now your ignoring each other?"
"WHAT?!?" Exclaimed Kate and Yelena from the breakfast bar, stopping their conversation.
"First of all, we weren't sleeping together, and second of all, mind your fucking business." Natasha said, giving him a glare. "Okayyy..." Clint looked over at Kate and Lena and raised his eyebrows before walking out and up to his room.
"You okay Nat?" Asked Yelena, noticing that she was more stressed than usual.
"Yep. Everything's absolutely fine." Natasha said, before storming up to her room. There was a few moments of silence. "Mom and Mom are fighting again" Said Yelena, they both bursted out with laughter.

Wandas POV

I heard Natasha's door slam again and i couldn't take it anymore. I needed to get out, so i went on a walk. I walking through the kitchen to get my shoes on. "Hey! Where ya goin?" Asked Yelena.
"Oh, just on a walk."
"Can we come?" Asked Kate eagerly.
"Yeah of course. You don't have to ask your not my children haha" I replied, they gave each other a look and giggled. "What?" i smiled.
"Nothingg" They said before running of to get their shoes on. I may have said that they weren't children but they sure act like it.
I pulled on my shoes and coat before we all headed out the door.  We walked and talked around the fields outside the compound for a while.
"Hey Kate, watch this!" Said Yelena, before she did a cartwheel (or something like that) on the frosty grass. "Wheyyyy!" We cheered.
"Ew, wet hands!" Exclaimed Yelena, before wiping the condensation from the grass on me. "Oh thanks for that" I said
"Welcome" She smiled at me.
"I bet i can do that. Watch!" Said Kate, putting her arms up in preparation. I grabbed her and stopped her. "No way." I said.
"Ugh, boringggg" She protested
"Yeah i wanna see her fall on her ass!!" Snickered Yelena. "Come here, you!" I said, putting my arm around her and Kate as we started to walk back to the compound. "So, what happened between you and Nat?" Asked Yelena after a couple minutes of silence. "Oh its nothing."
"It didn't seem like nothing." Butted in Kate
"Yeah! Like what Clint said, you two where best buds a minute ago"
"I appreciate that re phrasing there Lena" I laughed.
"But its just a little argument it happens. Nothing for you to worry about." I re assured.
"God don't say that. Its like my parents all over again" Laughed Kate, Yelena laughed too.
"Oh don't say that Kate" I giggled.
"What its true?!?" She said as we walked up to the compound door.
"The fuck have you been?" Said Natasha as soon as we walked in. oh shit
"We where on a walk" Said Yelena casually, while taking of her shoes.
"Okay well you could've told me?" She said, still looking at me. I rolled my eyes. I walked past her after taking off my coat and shoes and said "come upstairs. we need to talk." Only loud enough for her to hear.

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