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Narrators pov

It was 7pm and Yelena, Kate, Wanda and Natasha where sat down on the couches eating dinner while watching the tv. "Don't you think we should've made some food for the guys?" Asked Kate.
"Well, if they get down here soon they can have the leftovers, but if you snooze you loose." Replied Natasha. There was then a knock at the door and Carol walked into the room.
"CAROL!" Yelena exclaimed, jumping from the couch and running up to hug her.
"Hey kid" Laughed Carol.
"Danvers" Greeted Natasha.
"Romanoff." She greeted back.
"Hey Wands, and, who are you?" Said Carol, turning to Kate.
"Oh uh hi i'm Kate, Kate bishop."
"Nice to meet you Kate"
"Oh yeh sorry, she is staying with us for a while, shes a friend of Clints" Explained Yelena.
"Ahh right, well i've decided that I'm gonna stay here for a few nights,i missed you lot a little so i thought id take a small break and spend some time with you losers." explained Carol.
"Yeh good luck with the small break part, ill be sure to add on a few weeks." Said Yelena. "ooh! can i show you something i made! its really cool"
"lead the way" Said Carol.
Yelena and Carol where really close, when Lena found out that Carol has travelled most of the universe, she took a lot of interest in her, and now Carol is like Lenas second sister. Although, as you can imagine, that has caused a bit of a jokey argument between Carol and Natasha about who is the 'better sister'.
Yelena grabbed Carol by the arm and ran up into her room.
"Woah slow down kid, you gonna fall"
"Yeh right, I've literally taken out like 5 highly trained guards all at once, i think ill be ok running up a flight of stairs" flexed Yelena, not stopping running. Carol scoffed in reply. They got to Yelena's room and the smaller girl opened the door and ran over to her bedside cabinet. She then pulled out a little wooden model, there was a back wall and a floor made of wood and in the middle was a stand up of the Leo star alignment. (for context, Carol and Yelena's first conversation was about star signs, and Carols star sign in a Leo.)
"Look!!!" Said Yelena, proudly holding up the model.
"Yelena! thats so cool!!" Gasped Carol, taking it to have a closer look.
"Its for you! and look at the top of the back wall!!" Said Yelena excitedly. Carol looked at the top of the wall, and there was a little handle. She pulled the handle, and there was a little drawer. In the drawer was a silver ring, with the word 'hiraeth' engraved on it.

It was a cold winter evening, Carol and Yelena where walking back to the compound after walking to get some medicine for Wanda, who was very sick at the time. To keep themselves entertained they where asking each other questions like "whats your favourite colour" and "whats your favourite song"
It was Carols turn to ask a question and she asked "whats your favourite word?"
"ooh thats a good one, hmmm, probably would be the word 'hiraeth', i just love the sound of it and the meaning is very oddly specific." answered Yelena.
"no way, thats my favourite too!" exclaimed Carol

"Lena! you shouldn't have!" Exclaimed Carol, pulling Yelena into a side hug.
"i mean its the least i can do, you have been so nice to be ever since we met, and you've done so much for me, so i thought id give you a little something in return." Explained Yelena. She was very proud of herself, she made the ring and the carving all by herself, its what she was doing for the past few weeks to keep herself entertained seen as she cant skate. Carol looked back up at Yelena.
"Lena, can i ask you something?" Carol had always been good with talking, if that makes sense, she always knew how to make people feel comfortable, and to not push people too far to tell her things.
"...yeh?" replied Yelena, she had a small feeling she new what Carol was going to ask.
"Did you have another episode while i was gone?" she asked. Carol found out about her episodes only a few months ago, but she tries to help her sister figure as much as she can. Yelena nodded in reply. "im assuming thats how you hurt your leg?" She questioned, looking down to Yelenas left leg.
"what did you do this time?" Said Carol jokingly.
"I may or may not have fell off the training arena roof trying to scare clint." she explained.
"of course you did, you couldnt just fall down the stairs or something normal could you?" They both laughed. There was then a knock on the door, they turned to see Kate stood in the doorway.
"erm hey, the door was open but i didnt want to be rude, uhm Natasha says Yelena had to go down to take her meds." Said Kate nervously, although she had bonded with Yelena last night, she was still  small bit anxious around her.
"oh ok yeh we will be down in a second!" smiled Yelena. Kate smiled back and went to close the door, but just before she closes it she says "oh and by the way Carol, your really cool" she says, quickly shutting the door behind her.
"Is she always like this?"
" ive only known her a day, but as far as i know, yes."
Yelena went downstairs to take her meds, and Carol went to her room to set up some things and unpack.

Yelena walked back into the living room
"They are on the counter" said Natasha, referencing to Yelenas medication. Yelena walked over to the counter and was going to take the pills, but then Tony walked in, and "accidentally" knocked into Yelena, making her drop the glass of water having it smash on the counter infront of her.
"whoops" said tony, shrugging it off.
"TONY!!" shouted Nat. Wanda rushed over to Yelena and started to clean up the glass, and making sure she was ok.

Wandas pov
"What the fuck tony!" shouted Natasha, she was already mad at him, i dont know why, i dont like looked into her mind too much, i only do it a tiny bit when she seems off.
"i slipped" Shrugged tony.
"Im so fucking dont with your bull shit! Start treating my sister like a human being god damnit!" Yelled Natasha.
"Nat-" I started in attempt to calm her down.l
"You think you can just do anything and fuck about with us just because, what? because we are women? because your so called in charge?" Rambled on Natasha.
"Kate honey, can you please clean up the glass?" Asked Wanda.
Wanda walked over to Nat. "Natasha calm down, yelling isnt helping" i tried.
"im done with being calm Wanda! He thinks he can control us and do what he wants, cant you see? hes horrible!"
"I can do what i want, i can have you put back where you came from if i wanted to!!" Said Tony. Natasha went silent, and Yelena looked at Tony in disgust and walked over to him. "You fucking sick person." She said, her eyes full of anger.
"Its where you both belong, your monsters." He continued. Yelena gave him that look (the 'im about to drop kick you, you bitch' look). She then punched him right in the nose. "Yelena!" i exclaimed, i cant go one week without someone punching someone. He went to punch back, but i stopped him. "Wanda let go of me." He strained.
"go to hell, Tony." I stated. Natasha walked out of the room in shock, Yelena followed her.
"Ok" he said, walking out the other exit.
I walked over to kate to make sure she was ok. She was picking up the glass, and she had tears in her eyes.
"Hey hey hey, its ok" I comforted,putting my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and wrapped her arms around me. "im sorry, they can be chaotic sometimes." I apologised. She stopped hugging me and looked at me. "can i talk to you? please? I know we arent close but your the only one i feel ok talking to right now" She explained.
"Yeh yeh sure thats ok" i said, sitting on the counter and gesturing her to join me. She hopped up and sat next to me. "i- i dont know whats wrong with me." She said after taking a few moments to gather her words.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked, concerned.
"Whenever a fight happens, or an argument, or anything thats sort of big and loud happens, i get so anxious, it feels like i cant breath, like someones crushing my lungs." she explained.
"Oh honey, i totally get what you mean, theres nothing wrong with you, i promise." I said. I dont know why but, i felt the need to protect Kate, i felt that with Natasha too, and Yelena, i think Kate reminds me of myself, but i dont know why.
She looked up and smiled at me, her eyes where full of sorrow, i didnt dare ask why in that moment, maybe another time.
"cmon, lets put this glass in the trash and get Yelena some more water and meds." I said, jumping off the counter. We cleaned up the shattered glass and headed upstairs to check on Yelena and Natasha, and give Yelena her meds. "Ill see Yelena, you talk to Natasha." Suggested Kate.
"Okay, ill see you in a minute" i replied, walking to Natashas room and knocking on the door.
"Tasha, you in there?" There was no reply.
"Nat im just making sure your ok."
"im coming in." i said, slowly opening the door. Natasha was sat on her widow sill with her legs dangling out of the window.
"Hey, are you ok?" I asked, walking up behind her and putting my hand on her shoulder. "Nat your freezing! come in." it was winter and she was in a tshirt and joggers, sat outside in about -1•c.
She didnt reply. "Nat, you dont have to talk to me just come inside, its cold." I said.
She again didnt reply, but she slowly came inside and shut the window. Her eyes where red and tired, her mascara was smudged and she looked drained. She looked at me for a moment, and hugged me, sobbing into my arm. "Hey, hey, its ok" i said, bringing us both over to the bed and sitting down.
"Tonys a dick." She sighed. I scoffed, "Yeh,he is."
We sat in silence for a few minutes. "I understand that you dont want to talk right now, so im going to go, and you get some sleep ok?"
She nodded in response.
"Ok then, goodnight nat." I said, walking out the door.
"Night" she said.
I quietly shut her door and turned around to Kate stood waiting there. I jumped "Jesus Kate, you scared me." I said, sighing.
"Oh sorry, i was gonna go to sleep but i wanted to make asure things went ok with Nat and that you where ok." She explained.
"She doesnt want to talk now, but she isnt too bad, how Lena?"
"The same basically." She said
"ok well, get some sleep, its been an eventful evening" I said.
"You too Wanda, good night."
"Night Kate"

Rejoice and DesolationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora