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wandas pov

i woke up at about 7am, i got to sleep at 6ish, so thats an hour of sleep, oh well, it will have to do. i layed in bed for half an hour-ish wrapping my head around everything that's happening. Last night was, something. Natasha makes me feel so safe. That was the safest i had felt in years. I never realised how soft Nat actually is, ive always seen her as a stubborn and very blunt kind of person, but i guess we all have our secrets.
"morning sleepy head" said a voice from my bedroom door.

natashas pov

i didn't sleep last night. there wasnt really a point anyways, i wouldnt of gotten much sleep. i got dressed after saying goodnight to wanda and did some work for a couple hours. i then realised that it wasnt long until training started, so i decided to go into wandas room to see if she was awake.
"morning sleepy head" i said, realising she was awake, just not really out of bed.

Narrators pov

"Hey , what are you uh, doing?" Questioned wanda.
"sorry, just coming in to make sure your awake, training starts soon." Wands doesnt look too bad without makeup n shit, she should wear it less.
Wanda giggled "thank you"
"oh i uh forgot you do that whole mind reading thing..." said natasha, clearly embarrassed but trying to play it off.
Wanda got out of bed and walked over to her window sill, that had multiple small plants on it.
"hm" she muttered while examining the plants. she grabbed a watering can from the shelf that seemed to already have water in it, and water her plants. "what time does training start" asked wanda, not facing Natasha.
"8, i think." She answered, facinated by Wandas care for the plants. "and wanda," started natasha
"about last night, please dont tell anyone. Tony doesnt like me being up late because its 'distracting to the others trying to sleep' and the boys will bug me if they find out," she paused "but your welcome to join me if you hear me in the kitchen, i enjoy your company" she said with a slight smile, but not her usual smirk, a welcoming smile.
"ok, ill keep that in mind" said wanda, finishing up taking care of her plants.

After getting ready wanda walked into the training room. "Wanda! nice for you to join us, your late." said Tony.
"sorry Stark, i woke up late" said Wanda
"Alright, lets get started! Cap your with Bucky, Romanoff your with Wanda, and Clint your with Yelena" said tony. He had set up a daily training thing seen as there where a few new people staying at the compound and needed to make sure everyone was training.
"speaking of Yelena, where is she?" said Natasha, looking to see if her sister is trying to sneak up on her or something, the others shrugged.
"i woke her up an hour ago, she should be here." said Nat.
"ill go find her, shes probably messing with vision or something knowing her" said clint, before walking out of the room.
"ill go too-" started nat, about to follow clint out but stopped by Tony
"romanoff, stop being clingy to your little sissy and start training, im sure shes fine dont you worrry" said Tony, clearly trying to piss of Natasha.
Nat just gave him a death stare as her and wanda walked away
"god i hate him sometimes" She whispered to Wanda

"so, what do you want to work on?" asked Natasha as her and Wanda got to their training area.
"well, im not too sure, but i guess i need to work on fighting in general, i use my powers alot so i dont know how to fight really" explained wanda.
"ok so, first lets teach you the basics. for punching you want to stand like this" Natasha said as she got into position.
Wanda does the same, just slightly off.
"let me help just a little" said Natasha. she walked over to Wanda and stood behind her, adjusting her hands slightly.
"thanks" Wanda said, extremely flustered.

Wanda pov

After getting into position Nat goes to get something, and out of the corner of my eye i see Yelena, hanging from the fucking ceiling. i give her a look and all she did was gesture for me to not say anything. so, i didnt. Natasha walked back over, and Yelena dropped from the ceiling "boo!" she said as she landed, right behind Natasha.
"Fucking hell Yelena, go train." Says natasha, clearly alarmed by the fact her sister just dropped from the ceiling.
"yeh yeh, just admit im better than you" said Yelena
I snickered.
"Oh come on Wanda! dont take her side!!" said Natasha, jokingly disappointed.
"im not...but it was a good prank"
"see, im just better than you, except it" said Yelena as she walked of to train with Clint.
"no your not!!!" shouted Natasha back at her. "anyways, back to training." Said the readhead, slightly snickering.
"you should give her a break, im sure shes just looking up to you-" a loud thud interrupted Wanda. 

Narrators pov

They both turn around, to see Yelena on the floor.
"omfg this absolute child-" muttered Natasha, running over to her sister, Wanda followed.
"what did you do?" Natasha sighed.
"What do you think? I fell." explained Yelena.
"I gathered that much, from where?" Interrogated the older sister.
"Ceiling." The blonde gave as is it was am average every day activity.
"well can you walk?" asked Natasha.
"i dont think so, but im sure ill be fine, i am better than you after all." said Yelena, as she tried to get up she collapsed on the floor again.
"Lena your obviously not fine, come on lets go see bruce" said Wanda, walking towards Yelena.
"no, no im fine, really!!" Said Yelena with a strong Russian accent. she tried to get up again, but this tike she collapsed, and fainted.
"for fucks sake, Wanda help me carry her to Bruce" Said Nat, gesturing wanda to help her.

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