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Natashas pov
I carefully picked up Wanda and took her to her room, then went to go and see Yelena. The only reason i hadnt gone to see what was going on with her is because i didnt know what id do if she wasnt okay. I was about to go into the surgery room, where my sister was sleeping, but i saw Carol already in there. I braced myself for the shit i was about to get as i walked in.
"What happened." She asked straight away, not turning to face me.
"Her, Wanda and some others went on a mission to find me, and she got shot on the way out." I explained, standing next to her. Carol sighed and kept staring at Yelena. "Bruce said she should be awake in the next hour or two." she said, looking up  at me. "I have somewhere to be, call me when she wakes up." Said the blonde, before walking out the room. I stood in confusion for a moment, i was expecting her to be mad. Anyhow i walked over and sat next to my sister, i stayed there for hours, waiting for her to wake up.

Wandas pov
I woke up in my bed, Natasha must have taken me up, i was still exhausted fron everything that had been happening, so i didnt get up. I just lied there waiting to fall back asleep, but i had no idea of the horrors that where ahead of me.
I opened my eyes, and i was back there again. Back in my home, sat on the familiar patterned carpet, watching sitcoms with my beloved family. Then, the first shell hit. My head hit the floor and my ears where ringing, i couldnt process what was happening, i was in shock. Pietro pulled me under the bed with him. Then, the scene changed. I was in Sokovia again, but years later. This was when we where fighting ultron. I knew exactly what was going to happen next, i knew there was nothing i could do about it, but still, i screamed. I screamed at the top of my lungs for my brother, begging that he could hear me and avoid what was about to happen. But, he didnt. It all happened so quickly, one second he was running around, the next he was dropping to the floor, multiple bullets in his body. I lost all power and feeling in my body, my knees went weak, my heart fell empty, and i dropped to the ground, screaming and crying, as the one voice in my head was yelling at me. "you could have saved him." It yells. "Hes gone now, your all alone." It shouts. "this is all your fault, everything is and always will be." I all of a sudden felt an arm on my shoulder, and shot up out of bed screaming. Natasha was kneeling next to my bed, her face was scared and her hand was on my shoulder. I was breathing so quickly, i could have passed out. "Hey, hey, hey." Said a calming voice, scrambling onto the bed and sitting next to me. I immediately collapsed into her, sitting on her lap and my arms flung round her neck. "Hes dead, hes gone, they all are." I repeatedly and uncontrollably sobbed into her neck. The images kept replaying in my mind. Pietro, lifeless on the floor. My home, blown to pieces. The voices got louder, and started overlapping. I was trapped, i was suffocating. The only thing keeping me from passing out was Natasha, her hands tracing circles on my back and her soft voice whispering words, desperately trying to snap me back into reality. "its ok, your safe, your here with me, in the compound." She repeatedly whispered. "Breath Wanda, breathe." She said, seeing that i wasnt getting better and taking my face out of her neck. "Come on, do it with me. In.." She said, breathing in. I tried my hardest to do what she told me to. "And out" She said, breathing out slowly. We repeated this until i had calmed down, and could properly function again. "See, your ok." She said, pulling me back into a hug, and putting her hand on the back of my head. She held me for at least 10 minutes, and i was almost back to normal.  "You ok?" She said, pulling away from the hug. I nodded slightly. "Right, im gonna run you a bath, is that ok?" She asked. I dont know how, but Natasha always knew what to say, or what to do in every situation. Again, i nodded, weakly getting off the bed. "Its ok, you stay here for a sec and ill get everything ready." She said, gesturing for me to sit back down. I shook my head, i could not be alone right now. "Ok, come watch me" She said, putting her hand out. I took it, and she slowly walked into my bathroom, and sat me down on the counter. I watched intently and she ran the bath and got everything ready. "Ok, all done." She said, turning to face me. "I will just get you some fresh clothes, and i will wait outside by the door, shout if you need me." She said, getting clothes for me from my closet, handing them to me and walking outside, gently shutting the bathroom door.

Natashas pov
I walked out and sat against the wall by her bathroom door. I was really starting to worry about Wanda, shes been really distant, and having a lot of issues mentally recently. Any how, i waited outside just like i said i would, looking around her room and examining all the small details. Like her acoustic guitar with flowers engraved into it, and her window sill full of plant's, and the little model i made for her a few weeks back propped up against one of the pots. My thoughts where interrupted by Wanda walking out of the bathroom about a half hour later.

Wandas pov
I walked out the bathroom and Natasha was sitting outside just like she said she would. I threw my dirty clothes into the alarmingly large pile of washing that was gathering in the corner of my room, and grabbed my guitar from its stand. I sat on the end of the bed and started to re-tune it. Natasha approached me and sat crossed legged behind me. "Can i do your hair?" She asked, already fiddling about with it. "Yes." I said, not really putting any thought into my answer. She began to gently braid my hair, as i tuned my guitar. It was extremely out of tune as i haven't used it in a while and it got knocked over the other day. I finished tuning my guitar and started strumming the chords to headache, not singing, just messing about with strumming patterns. After a few minutes i felt Natasha tie up my hair. She had very quickly and smoothly put it into two plaits. I got up and put my guitar back on the guitar stand. "Wanda." She said, looking at me. I looked up,telling her to talk on. "Dont take this the wrong way, but, how about we tidy up in here a bit?" I groaned and slumped onto the bed in response. "Oh come on, it wont be that bad, we can put on some music, besides, its something to do." She compromised.
"Fine" I sighed. "Jarvis, play dayglow." I said. 'Hot Rod' by dayglow started playing, and i dragged Natasha onto her feet. We spent the next hour putting away clothes, throwing out rubbish and dancing to whatever music came on, whether we knew the words or not.

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