Concerning Curiosity

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When Suna finally revealed the swimsuit she was wearing, Osamu probably went to heaven and back. It was overall a nice date, Suna had lots of fun other than the fact she got thrown into the water a lot of times by Osamu. Yes, thrown.

But Suna couldn't help but realise the huge scar Osamu had on his abdomen, she didn't question about it yet. Yet.

After the beach date, Miss Miya drove the exhausted teens home. Sakusa stayed the night and planned to skip school the next day.

Osamu helped Suna pack her clothes to go back for the week and then they cuddled for a while, don't tell Rintarou's mom.

"So, what did you think of our date?"
Osamu asked.

"It was interesting."
Suna was tired so she didn't bother giving long answers.

"Just interesting?"
Osamu put a lot of effort into begging his mom to let him have a girl over, asking his mom to bring them to the beach because obviously she would never allow them to go alone, planning the date and spending money. Yes he put effort into spending money.

Suna shook her head and slowly dozed off while Osamu started to overthink life choices.

After dinner, Rintarou's mom came to get Suna. Osamu kissed Suna on the forehead before she got in the car which obviously got her mom a bit angry.

"How was it?"
The brunette's mother asked.

"It was nice."
Suna smiled.

"Did he just kiss you?"
Her mother looked out the window from the side and could still see Osamu awkwardly standing there, waving his hand, probably waiting for them to leave.

"Uhh yeah. Why?"
Suna liked Osamu's kisses a lot, so she didn't mind.

And by that, we now know that her mother is silently judging their entire relationship and Suna shall start questioning her existence.

By the time Rintarou got home, she drank a cup of warm milk, did her nighttime skincare routine and went to sleep.

She was still really curious about the scar...

Im getting into it <3 Be patient

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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