Competition Celebration

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{Friday, 2pm}

"And the top overall teen group dance award goes to..."

Osamu squeezed Suna's hand tight as the award was announced. Atsumu got really nervous and held Sakusa's jacket sleeve. You can't really tell but Sakusa was panicking a little too.

"Entry 49! Entitled 'I want to be you'!"

It was kind of a shock to the four of them since Suna did mess up one move. Just one. Thank god no one realized, other than Asaka of course. The four of them took the award and posed for a few pictures.

Returning to their changing room, Asaka congratulated them and told Suna she was lucky this time. If her mistake caused them to lose, they were surely fucked.

"Well at least you pulled it off"

Osamu kissed Suna on the forehead while she packed up her stuff.

Atsumu was busy wiping off her makeup since she didn't like how it felt on her face, especially those heavy false lashes, so Sakusa was the one helping her pack things up. There were a few other junior members of the dance company that were there for the junior section of dancing. After packing up, they all walked back to the bus and went back to the studio.

Suna, as usual, sat with Osamu near a window seat. She slept the whole entire way back since she was exhausted from the dance competition they had. Osamu at some point decided to stop being a pussy and gently helped her lean her head against his shoulder. She didn't look that comfortable with having her head on the window anyways. He took off his jacket and covered it over the other and himself.

'I'm sure she wouldn't mind sharing the jacket'

He thought to himself as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

{Dance Studio, 4pm}

Upon arrival at their dance studio building, Osamu heard a few camera clicks and a flash together with some laughter. Suna was unbothered and was still asleep as she was really tired. He opened his eyes and saw Atsumu, together with some juniors, were snapping pictures of the both of them.

"Oi...stop it"

He groaned and slowly got up, Suna was still on his shoulders.

The juniors and Atsumu quickly got off the bus and it was only Osamu and Suna. He drank a bit of his water, kept his things inside his backpack and took Suna's little Nike drawstring bag with him.

"Rinny, time to wake up"

Osamu gently shook her a little but she still didn't want to wake up.

He quickly took all of their things and put it down near the studio entrance first and then carried the brunette off the bus. Sakusa and Atsumu together with Coach Asaka we're celebrating their win with peach cake upstairs in their own studio room when Osamu entered with a sleeping Suna.

"Well well well, Osamu finally decided to show up with Sunarin"

Atsumu teased while eating her cake.

"Shut up, she's sleeping."

Osamu gently put her down and covered his jacket over her again. She leaned against a wall and fell back into deep sleep.

Osamu took some of the cake and sat back next to Suna.

"Aww would you look at 'Samu"

Atsumu mocked once again.

Osamu rolled his eyes and continued eating his cake. Suna woke up a while later and eventually celebrated their win together with the others. Well the cake was nice.

Suna's mother drove all the way to the dance studio to pick Suna up. It took a lot of persuasion and bribing for her to allow Suna to sleepover at the Miya's. She gave Rintarou a call for her and Osamu to go downstairs. Her mom didn't want her to walk all the way to the train station so she was willing to drive the both of them there. Atsumu had no idea about this and she stayed back at the studio with Sakusa for a while longer.

"If the passenger seat is empty, you're basically treating the person driving the car as your personal driver. That's rude."

Was what Suna's mother would always tell her as a child. Thank god Osamu's mother thinks the same. He sat in the front seat while Suna sat behind.

"Hi ma"

Suna greeted her mother and got a hum in response.

"Hi Aunty, I'm Osamu"

Osamu smiled at her. He panicked a little but he didn't show it.


Was all her mother said before driving them to the train station.

Along the trip. It was quiet. No one said anything. Osamu felt like Suna's mother didn't really like him that much, so he didn't really take the effort to talk to her. After arriving at the train station, Suna's mother opened the back of the car so her daughter could take her own luggage. There were clothing for Saturday and Sunday and some skincare products including a few pairs of shoes. All of it wouldn't fit in her backpack so she decided to take a small hand carry luggage. Osamu helped her take it out and before they left,

"Osamu kun"

Suna's mother rolled down the window.

Osamu told Suna to wait for him as he walked over to the car.

"Take care of Rintarou, if she comes home with one bruise. I will put a restraining order against you both."

She warned.

"Alright, thanks for trusting me with her"

He smiled.


The window rolled back up as she drove off. Osamu walked back to a confused Rintarou.

"What did she say to you?"

She asked.

"Nothing you have to worry about"

Osamu gave her a few head pats and they bought a ticket for train rides. 

qotd, what would you guys like to see in the upcoming chapters?

Remember to vote and make people in my oneshot book read this.

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