Embarassing Events

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(Hi to all the bitches and bros and non binary hoes, welcome back to the second chapter of this very short friggin series, I beg this chapter isn't cringe to say the least. Haha do leave nice comments and enjoy this chapter. I wonder what happens smh.)

It's been a month since Suna joined the others. They've had a lot of fun and won a lot of awards and Suna won her first sash for miss technique in the last competition and top overall solo award. She was benefiting the studio already and coach Asaka loves her. She had the kind of beauty the studio wanted, expressions that could confuse the hell out of everyone, petite legs, pale skin, sharp eyes and a fierce expression without even trying. Just walking past her could give you chills down your spine. But her personality speaks otherwise. She's a bit shy at times too.

Period. As I would say, aunty period will come knocking on your door every month unless you had nice sex and got preggo, like your best friend, you hate it but you're grateful for it anyways, no period equals preggo and we don't want that, unless...

Suna woke up that day with bad ass cramps and that's when you know aunty period has come to visit you again. Sigh. She got up from her now blood stained bed and changed into clean panties and comfy clothes. She had to go to the studio for classes afterwards but for now, it's either you pamper yourself or suffer. She found a heat pack and put it on her stomach.

"Rin Rin, mummy is going for another business trip this week, I left you some money, take care of yourself okay?"
Just her luck, her mom needed to go.

Oh well...

"Okay, see you"
Suna said, waving to her mom at the door. She went back inside her room and chose a nice outfit she was going to wear that day for classes. She developed a tiny crush on Osamu already. Just thinking about him gave her butterflies in her stomach. She wanted a look that would impress Osamu but didn't seem like she was trying too hard.

Osamu was the first crush Suna has ever developed for anyone. Sure she's had a ton of confessions but she's never got to experience love. It felt pathetic to have fallen for a guy like him. But that's that.

Her choice in clothing wasn't the smartest, white, a color that could easily be stained by red. White Puma crop top with a black sports bra and a pair of white sweatpants. She absolutely forgot about her jacket but that's totally fine. She put her outfit aside and continued mourning the fact that she's now on her period, there's a tub of ice cream in the fridge and she can't eat that.

An hour and a half before she needed to get to the studio, she showered and changed, she put one period pad into her, also white, tote bag for emergency purposes, her water bottle, a hair tie incase she needs it, a towel for sweat which she probably wouldn't even need to use since the studio is hella cold and a protein bar if she gets hungry.

After everything was ready, she wore her shoes and took an uber to the studio. She was greeted by Atsumu and Osamu when she arrived. Kiyoomi was surprisingly running late that day.

"Oooh, damn Rin, you're looking great today!''
Atsumu complemented.

"Ah, thank you."
Suna walked in and as usual, sat next to Osamu while Atsumu practiced her solo on her own.

"You look stunning today"
Yes, the complement Suna has been waiting for her entire life from her dearest Osamu.

"Thank you, I randomly found it laying around haha"
No you didn't, you took 30 minutes to find the perfect outfit.

"Anything would fit you at this point, you always look good, Atsumu gets really jealous sometimes if I'm being honest."
Osamu spoke a little too loud.

Atsumu heard it and turned around offended.
"Shut yer trap 'Samu! That's not true. Don't listen to that dickhead Suna, he's bullshiting you"

"Blah blah, say what you want but you were the one who was whining to mom for money to use on new clothes"

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