Morning Confusion

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After the Ghibli Studio Museum, they went to the park, Osamu bought some food for the both of them to eat, he also gave Suna the watch he got for the both of them. Yes, it was the matching pair of watches and Suna liked it a lot.

They went home for dinner, watched a movie before bed and both of them went to sleep.

{The next day, Miya Residence, 6:28am}

"Fuck off"

Suna could hear her mother yell.

"This is all because of you, if you didn't get pregnant, this would've never happened."

That familiar voice of her father's.

"Don't you dare drag Rintarou into this."

She warned.

'Did mom mention me?'

"Oh yeah? I'm done, good luck raising that piece of shit on your own"

Rintarou heard a loud thud and the front door slamming shut and her mom supposedly crying outside, she just hid in her room and prayed that everything would be okay.

She was 5.

Rintarou jumped up from her sleep, that memory has been haunting her ever since...she couldn't remember anymore. Whether this was just a dream or if it really happened, she'd never know. Mom never mentioned her dad before, she doesn't care either.

It was 6 in the morning, Rintarou tried falling back asleep but it sadly did not work. Around 7 only did she decide to go into Osamu's room. He was surprisingly on his phone.

"Uhm, 'Samu?"

She peeked into his room. Yeah Osamu had a heart attack because he thought it was his mom.

"Rin Rin? It's still so early, is something wrong?"

Osamu asked.

"Can I stay here? Had a weird dream."

Suna really didn't want to be alone.


Osamu shifted a bit so he wasn't hogging the entire bed. He did ask if Rintarou wanted to talk about it but she wasn't in the mood, so they talked about plans for the entire day. Osamu revealed that they were going to the beach, Suna also revealed that she doesn't have a swimsuit. This is exactly why she hates surprises.

"Maybe you can try and see if Atsumu has something that she could lend you? I'm sure she has a thousand sets of bikinis that she never wore."

Osamu gave a slight chuckle.

"Ah alright"

Suna was a bit hesitant on the bikini idea, she is still insecure about her body.

It was quiet for a while before Osamu threw a pillow in Rintarou's face, it was an accident.

"I am so sorry-"

"Oh yeah? You'll be very fucking sorry"

Suna got offended and randomly took another pillow and whacked his face with it.

"Oh you're on!"

It was an entire pillow fight with a lot of shouting and laughing at 7 in the morning. Rintarou tackled Osamu at some point and smushed one of his pillows into his face. She absolutely did not realise she was sitting on him.

She only took the pillow off of Osamu when she got concerned if he was breathing or not.

"Kids, try to keep it do-"

Miss Miya got a bit concerned since it was so early and she heard a lot of noise from Osamu's room so she decided to check up on him.

Suna looked over to the door and saw Osamu's mom just staring at the both of them.

"Okay you both are hella cute together but don't you think it's too early for this?"

Yes, she was very concerned at the position they were in.

Suna was confused, oh yeah and it all made sense when realisation kicked in that she was literally on Osamu.

"It's not what it looks like."

Was the only thing Osamu managed to say.

"Sure sure, anyways, we'll leave after we have breakfast."

Miss Miya referred to the beach and left her son's room.

Suna immediately got off of Osamu and they just silently looked at each other for a few seconds before cackling like psychos again.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt