First Impressions

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{Miya Residence, Dining Room, 7:40pm}


There was chilled potato salad, homemade sushi and egg fried rice.

"Is the food to your liking dear?"
Miss Miya asked Rintarou in which she happily nodded in return. She really liked the potato salad and the twin's mother could tell.

Osamu mostly took the salmon sushi and even fought with Atsumu over the last piece of salmon sushi. Suna took most of the egg and cucumber sushi rolls, it's been quite a while since she's had homemade food, other than the meal Osamu cooked for her last week.

"Osamu is so lucky to have you! You are really pretty! I've seen a few of your dance performances too, you're talented, Rintarou"
The twin's mother carried on praising her, it did make her happy though.

"Thank you aunty"
Suna smiled and continued taking little bites out of her rice.

Atsumu at some point decided it was her time to shine,
"So Sunarin, have you slept with my brother yet?"
She smirked.

Her mother hit her head for the inappropriate question.

Suna's face turned a deep shade of red. But she didn't quite get the question. 'Did the deed kind of sleep or sleep sleep kind of sleep?'

"Why would you ask RinRin those kind of questions..."
Osamu gently held Suna's hand under the table, attempting to comfort her in case she was uncomfortable with the topic.

But, to be fair, the twin's mother was kind of curious.

"Ugh okay fine."
Atsumu cleared her throat and continued.
"Anyways, is this your first relationship?"
She asked.

'That's a better question'
Suna thought to herself before replying.
"Yeah, I never really thought about relationships before"

"Eh, you're so pretty! Such a shame that you didn't date anyone before"
Atsumu said.

"At least Rintarou is a decent woman, unlike that girl you brought back last time, she was so rude and vulgar"
Miss Miya referred to Osamu's ex-girlfriend.

"You had an ex?"
Suna turned to Osamu, confused.

"Yeah but it was a long time ago"
He reassured the brunette.

Suna nodded her head and Atsumu could tell she was really uncomfortable with the subject. The twin's mother knew she messed up and tried talking about something else,
"Suna chan, how's Osamu treating you so far?"
She asked.

Suna's face lit up again,
"He's very nice to me"
Was all she managed to say.

"Speaking of nice,"
Atsumu pulled out her phone and showed her mother the picture she took of Osamu and Suna leaning on each other and sleeping in the bus earlier that day.
"Look at what i caught in 4k ultra HD"
He then let Suna and Osamu see the picture, Suna blushed a little and got embarrassed.

After they finished their meal and talked for a while, they had chawanmushi for supper, it was supposed to be included in their main course but it wasn't ready at that time. For once in Osamu's life, he shared some of his with Suna since she really liked it.

{Miya Residence, Osamu's Room, 9:03pm}

Later on, Suna and Osamu went back to his room and played more Mario kart. Osamu mostly won because Suna never really played any games.

After a few rounds, Osamu let Suna choose the next game and she was looking at the games he had.

"You have animal crossing?"
She asked, looking at the game available.

"Yeah, you wanna try?"
He asked.

"Hrmm, sure, but I've never played it before, only heard about it"

"It's okay, I could help you with it. Atsumu plays it all the time"

"Alright, thanks"
She put down her controller and kissed Osamu on the cheek, before acting like absolutely nothing happened. It was probably the first time she has ever kissed Osamu throughout the week, it was usually him who would take the initiative to do it.

"A-anything for you Rinny"

Suna snuggled up against Osamu and they played together.

{Miya Residence, Guest Room, 11:30pm}

Osamu told Suna it was getting late and way past her usual bedtime. She did whine for a little bit that she wanted to continue playing animal crossing since her house had a bit more before she could upgrade it.

"Rin Rin you need to sleep"

"No, I just have a bit more till I can upgrade"

"Suna, it's past your bedtime"

"Not like my mom would know"

"If she finds out, she won't trust me anymore and then you can't come over next time"

"Please, I really wanna level up"

"Nope, time to sleep"

He took away her controller and she whined a bit more. It was really cute to see her whine.

"You can play again tomorrow, Rintarou"
Osamu kept his switch and pulled her out of his bed.

"You're mean"

"I think letting you play until 1130 is a really good offer already"

"Okay fine but you need to let me play again tomorrow"


He waited for Suna to cleanse her face and brush her teeth before he brought her to her room. Osamu tucked her in and stayed with her, patting her back and holding her hand until she fell asleep.

"Goodnight Rintarou"

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