Yeosang ~Attempted Suicide~

Start from the beginning

"You don't need me to say it to know how much I love you Yeosang. Now stop being sentimental and I'll see you tonight. Love you," he said before hanging up. I just sat there for a few moments, not doing anything but thinking about the conversation I had with the younger boy, making sure I would be able to remember in my last moment. It would be a good last memory. I sniffled and wiped my eyes quickly before placing my phone down on my bedside table and sitting back down on my bed. I grabbed the bottle of pills and uncapped it, pouring all of them into my hand. It was about half full so it was a fair amount and hopefully enough to put me to sleep forever. I am just praying that it is enough. It was at this point that I realised I didn't have a cup of water so I placed the pills on the bed in a small pile before leaving my room and going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Once it was filled, I went back to my room and returned to my position in the middle of the bed. I once again scooped up the pills and took a deep breath before I begun to take them. I put them in 3 or 4 at a time before swallowing and soon enough I had taken them all. There was no going back now. I placed the glass on my desk, blinking slowly as I already felt slightly sleepy. It must work pretty quickly. I just sat there, waiting for the effects to hit me and finally take me and eventually, I found it hard to keep my eyes open and I felt myself falling back slowly before I lost consciousness...

Yunho's POV

Mingi and I were supposed to have a full day doing a photoshoot but lucky for us, there was some technical issues so we got to head home relatively early. It means we get to go back to dorm and spend some time with Yeosang who was supposed to be alone at the dorm today because he didn't have any schedule. Plus Mingi and I get to relax and have an extra day off.

"Bro I am so glad the shoot got cancelled because I am so ready to just eat junk food and play video games," Mingi said with a sigh as we walked into the dorm and closed the door behind us.

"Yo Sangie, we're home," Mingi called out, receiving no reply.

"He's probably on his phone," I shrugged and Mingi nodded. "Wanna play some video games," he asked me.

"Yeah, the controllers are in my room," I said. We went over to my room and walked inside. I went straight to my cupboard and went rummaging around to find the controllers.

"Hey, what's that paper on your bed," Mingi asked suddenly. I lifted my head and looked up at him, raising my eyebrow in confusion. He shrugged and pointed to my bed so I stood up and looked where he was pointing. Sure enough, there was a piece of paper sitting on my pillow with my name in neat writing. I glanced at San's bed and saw that there was a note on his bed as well. Weird. I walked over and grabbed the note, opening it quickly.

"Read it out, maybe it's a love note from a secret admirer," Mingi giggled. I rolled my eyes but begun to read what was written.

"Dear Yunho, my favourite big golden retriever. I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life and I want you to know that nothing." I stopped abruptly in confusion at the words written on the paper and I had an uneasy feeling in my gut. Mingi seemed to pick up on my unease and furrowed his eyebrows before moving behind me and reading over my shoulder quietly. I quickly continued to read in my head, my heart beginning to pound and my stomach dropping with every word I read.

Dear Yunho, my favourite big golden retriever. I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life and I want you to know that nothing that happened was your fault. I love you so much and I know you love me just as much but I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry. These past few years that I've known you have been really amazing, when you're involved. You've always been there to comfort me when I've asked for it and for that I really appreciate it. I want to further acknowledge the fact that absolutely nothing is your fault and there is nothing you could have done to stop it. I am so sorry if you're the one that finds me, I tried to do it while you were all the way but someone has to find me I guess. I love you so, so much Yunho, you were a guiding light in the darkness but unfortunately there was just too much darkness for me.

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