"I know baby." He gave her a kiss before going to make the dogs food. "Girl what did you!?" June whisper shouted, getting a simple shrug from Mel. "Ummmm Derrick I'm starting to think you have OCD," Jo threw out to change the subject. "Why do you say that?" "Because who the hell keeps basic necessities for unexpected guests?" A deep chuckle left his lips as he thought about it. "That would be a life lesson from Nan. She always had unexpected guests. Whether it was cousins or a family friend. She always said 'If you're going to allow people to stay at your home then you should cater to whatever they may need should it be a last minute decision. You don't want a grown ass nigga with funky ass breath in your face the next morning.' It kind of stuck with me over the years."

Mel snickered. She loved hearing about Nan's advice. She always said something funny. "You know that lowkey makes sense. I usually only expect Mel as an unexpected guest but I should be preemptive too," Jo voiced. Mel rolled her eyes as she felt Derrick behind her again. "May I speak with you please?" He whispered in her ear, getting a nod from her. "Excuse us for a moment," he said, leading her out the kitchen and to the playroom. Turning the light on the two walked over to the bed and sat down. Mel dropped her head. She knew this was coming. "Baby," Derrick spoke.

"Yes sir?" "Look at me." Mel lifted her head and looked at him. Seeing his eyes calm and soft let her know that she wasn't about to get yelled at again. "I know you were in pain last night but there were some cries in there that had nothing to do with the moment. You needed that huh?" He asked, wiping her stray. "Yes sir." "I needed that too. We've been neglecting us. I think it's time we got back on track." She nodded, trying not to start fully crying. "I'm sorry for how I've been acting. I just...... you haven't been....... never mind," she shook her head.

"Melinda I need you to communicate to me your needs baby. If I'm not giving you what you're requiring from me then tell me. I'm not going to get upset." She took a deep breath and gathered her words. "I don't feel like you've been paying attention to me. Yeah you see me but it's not the same. And it's making me even more scared now especially since the letter and my mind is just in panic mode. Then to not have my Sir available to unleash that...... it's been too much. And I love being a mommy to Niyah but there are things I need you to understand because I'm exhausted," she explained. Derrick looked at her for the first time in a while and saw just what she was telling him. She needed to remove that excess weight and he was actually adding to it by not being her Dominant.

"Baby I'm sorry. I should've been doing what I needed to do for you but I couldn't. Before last night I wasn't sure I could. I feel like I failed you. I'm supposed to protect you. Keep you safe and I didn't do that." "Baby are you serious? I'm alive. I'm alive because of you. Everything I had to do to be here right now is because you taught me so much. I promise you if things were different I don't think I would still be here. I'm alive and Niyah is alive and we still came out on top. You taught how to survive and get out of a situation. Being your sub is life saving. You are more than my protector. You are my Mentor in everything that I could ever need."

Derrick smiled. Mel knew just how to make him push away doubt. He shouldn't be worried about what happened because he did more than offer up his strength. "We need to get back to us. Last night felt good and this might be the first time we've talked without getting upset in a while. I'm tired of arguing with you baby. Our lack of communication has caused some detrimental and unspoken emotions between us. That's not the way we need to be. I don't want a repeat of last night just because we're being stubborn. You know I hate to have to be that hard on you."

"I know sir. I'll be more vocal. No matter what. Sir?" "Yes Mellie." "Fear has no room here." "Fear has no room here. We're a team. So are you ready to get to us and dust off this room?" "Yes sir," her voice perked up with excitement. "Give me a kiss," he demanded, gripping the back of her neck as she leaned in. "You're not getting a scene until next week though." "What!? Why?" "You're on punishment. You've been testing me for a while so everyday you will rewrite the rules, 2 pages front and back so they will be embedded into that pretty head of yours."

Acrimony: Unhinged ReturnOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant