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"Okay so you said you received a letter?" Yes from Robert. I don't know who the fuck Red Sanders is but I know Robert's handwriting. "Did you tell Derrick about it or what happened?" Oh I told him. Definitely didn't get anywhere after that shit but I fucking told his ass. "I'm sensing aggression. Are you two at odds right now as we speak?" Something like that. "Melinda I need you to elaborate just a tad bit more for me to understand what has happened within 2 weeks." Ugh I'm getting to that. Niyah was still pulling at me trying to get my attention and my nerves were fried and I know I should've calmed down before I even went to Derrick but I couldn't. ROBERT MEMORIZED OUR ADDRESSSSSS.

Mel scooped up a screaming Niyah and stormed into the kitchen with Derrick. "What's the matter?" Derrick asked as he looked at his screaming child. "Robert wrote a letter!" Mel tossed out as she shoved the paper into his hands before readjusting Niyah in her arms. Derrick glared at her before looking at the letter. "Red Sanders? Is this his new alias?" "I don't fu-" Derrick put up a finger before Mel could finish that word. All sensible thoughts went out the window with Niyah laying her head on Mel's shoulder.

She needed to say her piece before she blew a gasket. "She's half sleep. She's not going to repeat what I said. But that's his handwriting. I know it anywhere!" "Okay so we will call up Clarke and then have PD make a report because he is violating the grounds of the no contact order." Mel gawked at her husband. Was he fucking serious? "That's it!? That's all you got to say!?" "What do you want me to say Mel? That I'll go up to the prison and tell him to stop sending letters? He's locked up. This will more than likely get him more years. That's a win is it not?" She blankly stared at Derrick.

"Did you feel like Derrick wasn't listening to you?" He was listening but he wasn't. "What were you trying to get him to hear?" That Robert still had his eyes on fucking with me and he knew our address verbatim. Who has time to take a chance with a pure psycho? "These are the issues I mentioned about you two not being back into the groove of you. The frustrations and anger are being misplaced along with the lack of communication." Oh fuck you whatever. Let me finish telling the story. "Okay. Continue." What are you writing? "That you are heavily in denial. What happened next?" I hate you. Ugh.

"He knows.....where we live!" "He knew that before he got locked up babe." Derrick tossed a grape in his mouth. Spinning on her heels she went and laid Niyah now before returning to the kitchen. "This man doesn't know when to quit Derrick. I think we should move." "What!?" Derrick snapped in her direction. "Move. We need to relocate somewhere." "For what?" Mel's eyes grew even bigger. "The psycho knows where we live!! We have a daughter! You really okay with this nigga getting out then coming back again with a better plan?"

"Let him fucking try! I got some shit for his ass this time." "Do you even hear yourself?" "Do you hear me? I got us. Robert is not getting a second chance to do shit. Do you trust me?" "Derrick-" " you trust that your man will protect you?" Mel looked at him, thinking on that question. She trusted him but she still thought about the lengths Robert went to while she was pregnant. What would he do next? She wanted to say yes but her mouth went ahead of her brain. "I love how niggas used to punk you everyday of high school and I should know this because I was there. Yet here you are ready to take on serial stalkers. What are you trying to prove?"

Derrick's eyes grew dark. How dare she talk to him like that? "I think we need to take a breather before some shit gets said and feelings get hurt." "Who feelings cause they not about to be mine." "MELINDA!" Derrick barked at her. She slammed her mouth closed, her attitude on full display but her cat was jumping in excitement. I was hoping he would say go to the playroom but he just walked out. By the time I walked out the kitchen to go check on Niyah, he was already in there. Singing My Girl to her like he always did. I just went and took a long shower then got in bed.

Acrimony: Unhinged ReturnKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat