
287 19 24

April 8, 2023

The next morning, Dean's Kittens were up and doing their daily chores. All except Lira who laid dead to world on top of Dean's chest. Neither heard the sound of a bowl falling in the kitchen. Nor did they hear Deja knock on the door. "Master," she called out. With them not being in the dungeon last night, she had nothing to clean which left her bored as everyone else did their duties. Not getting an answer she walked down the hall and headed to Lira's room. Knocking twice, she turned the handle not seeing Lira in her room. Going back downstairs she looked at Tiara with a confused look. "What's wrong with you?" Tiara asked as she continued making breakfast. "Is Lira...." Deja made a cut throat motion, making Tiara worry.

"I don't know. Why you say that?" "She not in her room and she not in the kennel." A frown crept onto Tiara's face. Did she really choose to leave? "I guess so. Is he still sleep?" "Mmhmm heard him snoring before I even got to the door. Damn.... imma miss her big head ass." "Miss who?" Courtney asked as she grabbed a bottle of water. "Deja think Lira left." "For going missing a few hours? Master must've scared her for her to leave." "I wouldn't be surprised if he did. You know how serious he is about us and where we are. She could've at least told one of us." Alicia and Iris came rushing around the corner before Courtney could respond. The look of tea to spill was evident as they started whispering.

"What happened last night!?" Iris rushed out as she looked over her shoulder. "We don't know. Why you whisp-" "Shhhh!" Iris interrupted Tiara. "Rude!" Tiara squeaked. "She in his room," Alicia spilled. "WHAT!?" The confused trio spat simultaneously. Meanwhile, Dean grunted as he slowly woke up. His mouth dry from the weed he smoked. His body felt heavy yet relieved. His eyes landed on his clock, he needed to get up and check in with his girls. As he went to stretch, he felt weight on him. His head shifted to the side, his eyes grew wide. Why was she in his space? His mind raced a million miles a minute. What did this mean? Was everything he had known as his lifestyle.......... now null and void?

Prying his arm from under Lira's body, he contemplated how to get her up. Lucky for him, his stirring interrupted her sleep. A slight moan escaprd her lips before her eyes began to flutter. Realizing she wasn't in her own bed she jumped up. "I'm so sorry Master. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep in here. I-" "Minx.... calm down." She took a deep breath before looking at Dean as he sat up. He didn't even look at her. He couldn't look at her. This was new to him. He didn't let his subs sleep in his room. He didn't have sex with women the way they had sex last night. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? Kick her out because being intimate with 1 woman made him uncomfortable?

No, he had questions and needed to talk to someone asap. "Go eat and it's confinement to your room until I think of something," he stated with no room for disagreement. His back still turned to her as he grabbed his boxers and headed to his bathroom. She sat frozen on the bed, tears threatening to spring forth. She fucked up. She fucked up bad. There was no way she could stay. She crossed a line that no one in this house had crossed. She swallowed hard as she grabbed her clothes and put them on. Her head down as she rushed to her room. The girls heard her feet pound across the floor, giving them the signal to head up and interrogate her. The first to burst through the door was Deja. "You slept in his room!?" Lira's bottom lip quivered as she nodded.

The 5 rushed into her room and shut the door. "I'm on punishment so yall shouldn't.... be in here." "He's in the shower. We got time. How you end up in there?" Iris asked quickly. Her supersonic ears listening out for the shower getting turned off. "I don't know. It all just happened fast. I think I'm going to have to leave," Lira whimpered. "I don't think so," Alicia voiced. "Why you say that?" Courtney tossed. "She said she's on punishment. He didn't tell her to start packing. Plus did you get punished last night?" Lira nodded. "Ooooooh. You probably permanent bitch," Deja dropped. Tiara's face scrunched up. She was confused her own damn self. What did that even mean? Permanent? No one was permanent. "I doubt that. He won't even look at me." "So? He probably thinking of the worst thing he can do to you without scaring you too bad," Iris elaborated.

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