• Something We Created

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I crawl into bed beside Bucky and pull the sheets over our heads to bury both of us in darkness.
"How are you feeling?" I whisper, reaching out to hold his face in my hand.
"To be honest not as bad as I thought I would."

We buried Steve this morning.
It wasn't a big funereal, instead, it was intimate with only a few people, nice words, and soft music as his coffin was lowered into the ground.
In his last will he wrote that he wanted to be buried next to Peggy and we fulfilled that wish for him.
I don't know if you can say that about a funeral but it was truly beautiful.

"Are you mad that I didn't save him?"
Bucky rips the covers off us and stares at me with emotions on his face I can't read.
My throat closes at the sight of it.
"Are you serious?" He grabs me by the throat but doesn't choke me. Just kisses me so deeply that I forget whose air I'm breathing.
"Steve died the way he wanted to and I'm glad about that. My feelings just overwhelmed me. There was never a moment where I was mad at you."
He skates his thumb along my cheekbone. Despite how light his touch is, it means the world to me.

"I love you Bucky." I move my hand from the collar of his shirt to the back of his neck and into his hair. The desire for him is a burden on my soul. I can feel it like a weight on my chest.

It isn't right to feel this way after everything that happened this week. But I think that sometimes grieving is the wrong thing to do. Not only 'cause I'm sick of feeling it but because I know the person who died wouldn't want us to stop living our lives.
Bucky and I are still alive despite everything that happened and I want him to feel that. We are alive.

Placing my lips against his I ask,
"Are you okay with this?"
He laughs a dark laugh. The kind of laugh that makes my skin crawl and heat with lust. "Of course Lillith."

I gently kiss his skin. Licking and lapping at his flesh 'cause we are still alive. Still here even if it's just the two of us. Three of us.

Moving gentle kisses down his neck I let my hands roam his chest.
"I want to touch you Bucky." Desire gradually takes over, not a simple need, like hunger, but a taut, elastic compulsion.

My right hand moves down to the waistband of his sweatpants and he lifts his hips to help me pull them down.
"Let me take care of you." The sound he makes when I grab his cock spikes my body with another wave of desire.

I stack my hands on his length and swirl my tongue around the head, savoring the shudder that runs through his body.
The way he looks at me as he brushes my hair from my face, with such tender loving care in his eyes is exactly what I crave. In a moment like this, it makes me feel truly loved.

It's not his cock in my mouth and the pleasure but the way he looks at me and the way I look at him that makes it special.

I bob my head up and down, licking and sucking, taking him deeper each time. The ball of heat in my stomach coils tight as he moves his hand down my body to my cup my pussy over my leggings.

Can he feel how wet I am at this moment? How much it turns me on?

"Will you let me take care of you too?"
In answer, I take him deeper until his cock hits the back of my throat. His jaw clenches so tight I can see the muscle spasm.

Bucky begins to rub my pussy over the thin fabric of my leggings, finding the hard nub with ease. Slow but hard circles make me moan and choke around his dick at the same time.

Despite that lovely torture, I choose to focus on breathing through my nose and keep up the sucking and licking.
But his assertive touch is not easy to ignore.

Drool leaks from the corners of my mouth and drips down my chin but I couldn't care less. His fingers playing with my clit is enough to make me forget everything, including my gag reflex.

He times the movements of his fingers to match the ones of my tongue.
My chest quakes and I groan as the pleasure, slowly but surely unties the knot in my lower abdomen.
Noticing that, the corner of his lip pulls up into a grin.

I cry out with him down my throat and right when my teeth accidentally scrape his cock he cums.

I drink him down, every last drop I swallow, and don't stop until he's a panting, groaning mess.

My thoughts are racing and I think I've never liked being alive more.
I never appreciated it more.

He grabs me before I have a chance to catch my breath. His fingers run through my hair and my heartbeat merges with his as his lips come down on mine.
"Wait here, I'll get you a glass of water." Still breathing hard he heads for the kitchen, leaving me with a big satisfied smile on my face.

"Lillith? You got an email."
He calls out from the kitchen, the rushing water from the faucet suddenly stopping.
"What does it say?"

The sound of glass shattering on tiles makes me cringe.
"Is everything okay?"
I jump up and run into the kitchen.
Bucky is standing there, frozen, staring at the screen of my phone.
"Don't move, I'll get the broom."
The shards are everywhere, a small step would be enough to cut open his feet...

"You are pregnant?"
I swallow thickly. "What?" I whisper.
"The email contains recommendations for books about pregnancy." His voice is calm, too calm. It raises goosebumps on my skin.

"I don't..." I had totally forgotten that Doctor Cooper wanted to send me some book recommendations. Normally I wouldn't mind him using my phone.
"I didn't want you to find out like this. I'm so sorry, I know we didn't plan it this way."

He abruptly steps forward to crush me against him, cupping my face between his hands, eyes burning with intensity.
"Do you even know..." My heart is hammering so hard in my chest, I'm sure he can hear it.
"Do you even know how happy this makes me?"

"Really?" my voice is barely a whisper against his chest.
"Of course. I never thought I would have a child before I met you." He says, his arms tightening around me.

"But we didn't plan it. Are we even ready to have a child?"
My eyes brim with tears.
"It's our child, something we created. How could we not be ready for it?"
He sinks to his knees in front of me, his own eyes glossed over now.
Grabbing the hem of my shirt he pulls it up to press kisses onto my stomach and I burst into tears.
"I think I like what we created."

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