• Destroyed

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The bitter wine doesn't exactly help moisten my dry mouth. However, it's probably the most expensive one I ever had.

"To our host, Tony, who was so generals to invite us." Steve raises his glass.
"To Tony." We repeat.

Sitting in an expensive rich people restaurant still doesn't change how shitty I feel. I had such a bad stomach ache that I thought I was pregnant. Thank god the test was negative.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I whisper to Bucky, brushing my lips against his temple and without waiting for an answer from him, I stumble past the filled tables toward the bathroom.

Before I could even lock the door behind me I threw up. But instead of my breakfast from this morning, it's blood. Dark thick blood.
Crying and sobbing I desperately try to wipe it away but to my dismay without success and with the blood now smeared all over the floor the neausa hits me again.

My body is burning, sweat coating my forehead as I heave into the toilet.
A sudden knock on the door makes me jump. "One more minute." I plead.
"Everything good in there Lil?" It's Tony.

I cry harder, my head reeling with possible outcomes. What if I die?
No normal person vomits blood and lives. The door unlocks and Tony steps in, utter shock written on his face when he sees the condition I'm in.
"What happened?"
He grabs a towel from the sink and kneels beside me to wipe the blood off my face.
"Something is wrong," I wail.
"It's okay, Lillith, everything will be okay."

He helps me to my feet, dragging me out of the bathroom with him.
"We're gonna get you to Wakanda, they will know how to help you."

The others didn't notice me when I arrived back at the table, only Tony, who is looking for his car keys.
"What's going on?" Sam's laughter quiets down, our eyes lock and he immediately jumps up.
"What the fuck!"
Everyone turns to me but Tony doesn't give them time to react.
"Move, we have to get her out of here!"

Bucky reacts as if by instinct, picking me up to carry me.
"Why is she full of blood?"
He yells at Tony as he unlocks the car.
"Found her like that, I have no time to explain."

I break away from Bucky's grasp when the same feeling creeps up my throat again. Wanda is by my side in an instant to hold my hair up.
"Breathe, Lillith. It will be fine."
She tries to soothe me but it does little to nothing. None of this will be fine.
"As much blood as she only just now lost, it looks bad. That was at least twenty per- Stop it Vision!"
Wanda shoves him away.
"Get in the goddamn car!" Tony yells at us.

But sitting in a moving vehicle doesn't make it any better.
If only it's worse now.

Next to Tony, who is driving like crazy, is Steve, who is probably on the phone with the people from Wakanda. Wanda sits to my right and Bucky to my left. His hand gently strokes my head, whispering things to me I can't understand.
Vision and Sam are in the car behind us, following close in case something happens.

I squeeze Wanda's hand and she immediately reacts.
"We need a bucket or something!"
They all start to franticly search around the car while I try to hold it back as long as I can.

"I found a garbage bag."
Bucky says and I immediately rip it out of his hands. Warm crimson red drips down my chin and I sink back into my seat.

"I'm dying." Tiredness claws at my body trying to pull me into oblivion.
"I won't let that happen."
Bucky's voice is shaky, his eyes glistening.
"Have another drink."
Wanda holds an open water bottle to my blood-stained lips.

"How will water help her?" Tony asks, looking at me via rearview mirror.
"It helps to form new blood cells." She replies, bringing the bottle to my lips again for another sip.

The car comes to such an abrupt stop that if it wasn't for Bucky's hand snapping out, I would have flown through the windshield. We are on a remote dirt road where a Quinjet has landed.
"They said they would pick us up here," Steve explains as he gets out of the car to talk to them.

Cool night air hits me through the open door but my body seems to heat up even more. Like torture, I'm burning alive.

My vision becomes blurry, my eyelids fluttering shut every chance they get.
"We are losing her!" Someone yells, but I am too far gone to know who.

When I suddenly hear a certain familiar voice I know that I have to fight for my life.
"I told you not to shut me out."
It's my own.

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