• New Year's Eve In Wakanda

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A young woman named Shuri has been conducting experiments on me over the past few days I've been here.
They resulted in her being able to create a ring. At first glance, it looks like a normal silver ring, but it emits some kind of energy waves that are supposed to keep my other personality from taking over my consciousness.

She explained it to me in detail but I couldn't ask any questions cause my voice wasn't completely back at that time. It took over three days for my voice to come back completely and it still sounds scratchy and wrong.

I also met the King of Wakanda during my time here. He showed me the library, which I browsed during the time I wasn't allowed to see Bucky. And even though I was told to stay away from him, I decided to let him choose himself if he wants to see me or not. And since everyone is celebrating New Year's Eve tonight, no one is around to pay attention.

The hallway that leads to his recovery room is long and even though I have to look around a few times to make sure no one is there, I make it in time.
Ten minutes before the start of the New Year.

Sneaking in without knocking I quickly close the door behind me.
"Bucky." I breathe so hard, it's almost like I'm choking on air.
"Hey, doll."
He lays in bed, a lazy smile on his lips.

"They told me I couldn't see you but I just had to. How are you?"
I move closer to the bed not sure in what mood he is.
If he's even himself again yet.

"I'm feeling better. What about you?"
His eyes visibly harden upon seeing the bruise on my neck.
"I'm fine." I sit down on the bed next to him and force an awkward smile.
"I wasn't able to speak for two days but it's better now."

His eyes suddenly grow glassy with tears. "It should never have come to this. You're hurt because of me."
A strangled sob tears from his throat.
"It's okay, we are safe. They arrested the guy and burned the book. Something like this will never happen again." I franticly scramble under the blanket to pull him close to me.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Lil."
He buries his face in my neck, trembling wildly as tears slide down his cheeks in salty waves.
"Don't cry," I beg.
"It breaks my heart to see you cry."
I lift one hand to stroke loose tendrils of hair behind his ear, my touch gentle as I kiss the top of his head.

"We should promise to never kill each other 'cause I have this feeling it might happen more often than we think." My grip stays firm on his chin as I sweep my thumbs underneath his eyes.
"I hereby promise to never try to kill you again." Bucky holds out his little finger to me just like I showed him.
"Pinky promise, you remembered."
I beam at him and entwine our pinkys.

"I love you Lillith."
His gaze drops to my mouth and heats. Hands flexing, he draws me forward a few inches. My tongue skims my lower lip.
"I love you too."
Fireworks hiss into the air outside and burst, the bang making us both jump. There is cheering outside and I grin.

"Happy New Year."

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