• If I Die, You Die With Me

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"How does it feel to be cursed?"
After just thinking about how I can't wait to be back home and plan our wedding, I now want to smack him.
"Not funny!"
Bucky watches me as I search the shelves of the library for a new book.

"Have you thought about whether you want the poison back yet?"
I am constantly plagued by bad thoughts.
It almost killed me so who could blame me for being unsure about it?
What if I'm still too weak to completely take control of this raw power?
I'm not ready to die yet.

"Let's not talk about it now. Instead, you should choose a book."
He might not admit it to anyone but he loves it when I read to him. Especially after he had a nightmare.

"Here." He hands me the Book Alice in Wonderland. If it was possible for me to fall even more in love with him I would.

With the book in one hand and Bucky holding my other, we were about to go back to our room when orange sparks opened a portal beneath us.
"Hold on tight."

We are falling together and only seconds later land on the same hard floor I got to know yesterday.
"What going on here?"
Even though Bucky looks confused he still takes a step forward to shield me.

Ignoring Bucky's attempt to protect me Strange sighs.
"Your lover came with you as I see."
Lover? I hate that word.
"Why am I here?"
He points to the stairs as if that would explain it.
"We need to talk."
Since Bucky apparently isn't included in the 'we', he gets ported back to Wakanda.

"You have to get your poison back whether you like it or not. This time you have to accept these powers, don't be afraid of them, and try to embrace them.
If not, we'll all be even more doomed than we already are."

"I will do it." For a future even if it's only for Bucky who has been alive for so long but hasn't lived at all.
I can't afford to be selfish now.
Before I can ask more questions I fall through another portal right back into our bedroom in Wakanda.

Feeling a bit light-headed I try to stand steady but fail miserably.
Bucky is promptly there to grab me.
"What happened?" I look at him, at my beautiful fiancé, my soulmate and all I feel is sadness.
Stephen Strange knows that something or rather someone is coming, someone who can destroy us all. We could die, one of us or even both of us, if my powers don't kill me first. Why does everything always have to be so complicated?

"Can we talk about it later? I need you right now."
He brushes a few stray strands from my face, a puzzled look on his face.
"You need me? Are you sure we shouldn't talk about what just happened first?"
"I'm sure."
I slam my lips onto his and kiss him so hard I feel more dizzy than before.

My lips briefly unlatch to pull my shirt over my head and the groan from him that follows sets my body on fire.

"Take your clothes off too!"
I command between rapid breathing and an even faster heartbeat.
"Don't hold back, I want it hard and fast."
Completely naked, my clothes a forgotten puddle on the floor, I crawl onto the bed.

"Lillith-" He falls silent without me having to tell him to shut up.
"Please Bucky, we can talk about it afterward but at this moment I don't want to feel anything other than your cock."
If there's one thing that is better than any kind of therapy it's sex.
Even better, sex with Bucky.

His eyes darken while mine fall on his hard dick. He's as ready for me as I am for him but there is still a bit of conflict left in his eyes. After what just happened he's not sure if it's the right thing to do.

"Get on all fours and hold onto the headboard."
Bucky finally gives in to the desire and I am more than eager to comply with his command.

Bucky reaches out, gathering a fist full of my hair.
"What did you say? Hard and fast?"
He slams into me in one hard, punishing thrust that rips a shriek from my throat.
"I give you exactly what you asked for."

I open my mouth to say something, anything, but I'm unable to form words. The way he fills and stretches me leaves me with nothing but moans.

"Is that what you wanted?"
His thrusts start to grow haphazard, hips slamming against me hard enough to hurt.
"That's exactly..." My legs are shaking, threatening to buckle. "what I need."

At least that's what I thought.
But right now with him giving me the kind of sinful pleasure I usually need to forget everything around me all I can think about is that this could be our last time. The unknown threat already has me in a chokehold without knowing what it is.
I'm afraid of something that hasn't happened yet. It's ridiculous.

I didn't notice I started crying until Bucky slowed down his pace.
"Did I hurt you? Why are you crying?"
He had stopped completely and was about to pull out of me if I hadn't started moving myself.

"Don't stop now."
It's part plea, part moan, and overall sounds pathetic.
"I'm begging you." I sob, moving back and forth on his dick to urge him into movement again.

"No Lillith." Bucky slips out of me and grabs me so roughly that I have no other choice but to let him wrap me in his arms.
His heart is beating as fast as mine.

Cradling my face in his hands, he says in a voice full of emotion, "Talk to me, darling."
"I don't want to die." I stare into his eyes and see that flicker of apprehension.
"No one will die."
My teeth dig into my bottom lip.
I shake my head, the wizard must be right. Why would he lie?
We might all be in danger.

"He said someone is coming to destroy us. He didn't tell me who or what but I need to get my poison back..." I quietly sob, folding myself into Bucky's chest.
"We'll go through this together, you and me. If you die, I die with you."
He whispers into my hair, delicately kissing the top of my head.

• • •

After falling asleep in each other's arms I woke up in the middle of the night to Bucky softly shaking me.
"If we want to steal the poison we have to do it now. The guards are changing right now" I'm wide awake.

The two of us make our way as quietly as possible out of the room and down the hall to the lab, which as Bucky said is not guarded right now.
However, a mechanical lock keeps the door closed. You have to enter a five-number long code to enter.

"Can you break it open?" I ask.
"What do you mean no?"
"If we break it, they will notice it."
They will notice it either way with the poison missing.

Moving my hands over the lock I close my eyes to concentrate. Scenarios play out in my mind, from the making of the lock to now.
One thing that gets stuck is the code. "I'm the expert."
It clicks open and we enter.

I open the cabinet that seems to call to me and it's there, in one small bottle.
As if the dark liquid recognizes the power I carry it begins to glow.
I am more sure than ever to try it.
For Bucky.

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